Sparks Will Fly [Julian Goins] || Book 2 ||

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I told you guys there would be a second book, I posted the first part. I'm working on the first chapter. Add it to your libraries so you'll know when I post it, don't forget to comment and vote. I love y'all and I'm sorry on such short notice about this book ending. 

Also make sure y'all go read my new book Power Trip, it's an urban story. It's basically about a kingpin named Darren Daniels who fell in love with the so called "good girl" Ava White.

I would really appreciate it if you guys go comment and vote on that story.

Btw, the first chapter to should be up either tonight or tomorrow. I'm really happy that you guys stuck with me this long even with the slooowwww ass updates. 

Welp, go read book 2 and my new book. 

Love Y'all Sooooo Veryyyyy Much !

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