Chapter Nine.

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* Mialana's P.O.V * 

I woke up in a bed that did not belong too me. I sat up and looked all around the room, I seen my brother Langston on the floor sleeping along with Day Day. I looked around for Julian and I found him sleeping beisdes me. I kissed his nose and he woke up. "Hey baby." He said. I waved at him considering the fact that I am still tired and I have a major headache and I don't want to talk. I stepped out of the mysterious bed because I know damn well it didn't belong to any of us. I soon heard a toilet flush and out came a good looking boy he looked at me and bit his bottom lip and smirked then walked out the room. I guess this his bed. I got out of his bed and placed on my shoes I had spotted by Langston's half naked body. 

Hey, y'all wake up. I said.

What's going on? Langston asked half sleep.

I think we turned up a little too much last night I mean look at us we're sleeping in someone's house. I said.

Langston, Julian, and Day Day hopped up and placed on their shirts and shoes. I had a hangover but I was still able to drive I drove everybody home but before I did I stopped at Rite Aid and grabbed me some damn pain pills for my headache. Everyone of us took one each and they worked instantly. I dropped Julian off then Day and Lang and I went home. The first thing I did was run to the bathroom I did my daily hygiene treatment and changed into USA American Print Sleevles Crop Top, some Cargo Shorts, some Air Jordan 13, a Dope Classic Beanie, and a Just Do It Nike Jacket.

( Her Outift Is In The External Link, That Is If You Want To See It.)

I walked back downstairs and sat in the living room while Langston went to go get dressed. I soon heard a knock on the door I went to it and seen that it was a boy I did not want to see Jamal. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. 

What do you want Jamal? I asked with pure hatred in my voice.

I want you back baby. I need you in my life. He said.

I don't want to fucking hear it. I said. 

Baby, I love you. He said.

Well news flash sweetie I HATE . YOU. You made everyday of my life a living hell when I was with you. How can you sit there and say you love me? But yet you beated me all the time when we were together even over petty shit! So, I don't want to hear your fucking sob story just do me and my brother a favor and get the fuck off of my doorstep bitch! I said. 

I could tell every word I had just said had hit him where it hurt. How can you sit there and say you love someone and you constantly hurt the everyday of there natural born life? He doesn't make since, I wanted to slam my door but I seen Julian coming up behind Jamal. Julian shot Jamal a death glare and kissed me, he continued kissing me and we walked inside the house and he kicked the door closed with his foot without breaking the kiss. "Did he hurt you baby because if he did I'm gone get some niggas on his head it's gone make him hard to sleep." Julian said. I laughed and shook my head. I loved how Julian was so protective over me it was too damn adorable. 


Sorry It's Short But I'm Back! 

But What You Think About Julian & Mialana?

What Are Your Feelings Towards Jamal? 

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