Chapter Eleven .

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* Mialana's P.O.V * 

: 4 Months Later :

It has been four months and I've spent every last day with Julian. I really love him I just can't believe he's leaving today. I sat on my bed next to Julian and sighed. "I'm just gonna miss you so much." I said. 

I'm gonna miss you too Mia. He said.

What's gonna happen when I'm down and depressed and I need some lips to cheer me up? I asked while laughing. 

You got plenty of stuffed animals. He said.

I gave him a death stare and he leaned in and kissed me. "I'm just playing baby." He said

You better be. But, I love you and I'm gonna miss you. I said.

I love you too and I'm gonna miss you too baby. These past four months we've been inseprable I don't see how I'm gonna be able to do 4 months without seeing your face everyday. He said.

I leaned in and kissed him. He always makes me feel happy. "Make sure you call me everyday." I said.

Trust and believe I will. He said.

He gave me another kiss before he got up and grabbed his bags and headed downstairs to the tour bus. I ran downstairs after him and jumped in his arms I wasn't ready to let go. 'Baby! Don't Go! I'm gonna miss you too much." I said. All the people on the bus were looking at us like we were the cutest relaionship they have ever seen. "Baby, I'll be back in no time. I promise." He said.

Pinky promise? I asked while holding out my pinky.

Pinky Promise. He said while linking our pinkies together and kissing them. 

I kissed him one last time before hopping down off of him. I'm really gonna miss him.

* Julian's P.O.V * 

I kissed her one last time and got on the bus, the bus started moving and she waved as it was leaving slowly I waved back of course. I'm really gone miss her I can't believe that I have to be away from her for four fucking months. "Hey man, that's your girl?" Tool asked.

Yeah, why? I asked.

Becasue, she bomb as fuck and I was wondering maybe she got a friend for ya boy. He said.

Aha, yeah man she got a friend but  you got to ask her about that. I said. 

Alright. But, you gone miss her? He asked.

Hell yeah I'm gone miss her. I said truthfully.

Welp alright bro. He said.

That nigga Tool was bout weird as fuck I don't know if it's a good or bad vibe I'm supposed fiending from him. But, it's whatever. 

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