Chapter Two .

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All of us finally made it to school, we walked into the lunchroom since they didn't dissmiss us yet. So we stayed in there chilling I seen my baby Shaniya ( Picture On The Side ). She walked over to me and jumped on my lap. I kissed her cheek and waited until the dismissed us. 

Hey bae. She said.

Hey baby girl. I said.

The security guard dismissed us and I walked to my locker, I opened it and placed my bag inside and gathered my books for 1st hour, I felt somebody squeeze my ass not to hard and not to soft just right. I turned around and seen Julian smirking at me. 

Hey JuJu. I said.

Hey bae. He said.

You walking me to class or something? I asked.

Yeah, since we have the same classes. I'll walk you to every class if you want me to. He said. 

Okay coo. I said.

I closed my locker and latched my arm to Julian's and we walked to Chemistry. I swear Julian was a friend like a BEST friend, we had our moments where we kissed but it was nothing more.But that was back in the 8th grade, now we're in the 12th grade together and damn he got more atrractive. I sometimes wanted to be with him, but I was with Jamal abusive ass. We walked inside the class luckily I'm not in none of Jamal's classes or I would be fucked if he saw me with Julian like this. 

Hey Mialana. Taylor said.

Hey Tay Sway. I said.

Everybody was just looking at me, some said hey, some said what's up, and some were just plain staring and it was weird as fuck. I took a seat next to Julian and he placed his arm on the back of my chair. Mrs. Mosley came in and started going on & on about some random shit nobody cared about. Soon enough the bell rang and it was time for History, Julian walked me to class again. I wonder why was he acting like this, he never usually walked me to class but I liked it . 

Once Upon A Time .Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang