Chapter Sixteen.

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* Mialana POV *

I woke up in Julian's grasp. I decided to get up and go get dressed. I hopped in the shower and washed myself for an half an hour. I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my body. I went into my room and searched my closet for something to wear, I found a 'Hood by Air' crew neck, some black skinnies, a pair of my Taxi's. I dropped my towel and placed my thrown together masterpiece on. I brushed my hair up into a perfect bun. "Good morning bae." I heard Julian say.

"Morning baby." I said

"What you got up for today?" He asked.

"Nothing really, maybe just chill with my girls." I said.

"Well, be careful baby. I love you." He said.

"I love you too.' I said.

I gave him a kiss and grabbed my Michael Kors bag and the keys to my Lexus and left. On my way out I called up Shaniya to see what she was doing. "Hey bitch." She said.

"Bitch get dressed we going to the movies." I said

"Damn bitch calling me in the morning making orders and shit." She said.

"Bitch it's 3:00 in the afternoon but get dressed I'm on my way." I said.

"Aight ciao." She said.

I hung up the phone and continued driving to her house. I finally made it to her house and I ran onto her pouch. I walked into her house and took a seat on her couch. "Bitch I'm home!" I shouted. She came running downstairs and hopped into my arms. "Hey baby." She said.

"Hey bae. I see you ready so come on we outtie 5,000." I said.

"Bae, you crazy. But, for real let's get going." She said.

She grabbed her house keys and we walked to my car. "I ain't driving so hop yo ass into the driver seat." I said while laughing. She laughed and hopped into the driving seat. I leaned back and played some Pablo Skywalkin (local Detroit rapper just in case y'all don't know) that was bae y'all. We decided to drive to the nearest restaurant. We wanted to grab some McDonalds. We ordered our food and sat down until they brought our food out. "So what are your feelings towards Julian?" Shaniya asked.

"I to be honest never would've really thought we would be together. But I feel like he's a blessing from up above. He treats me like a queen, he spoils with the finest things I want and need. It's just something about him that makes me happy. I feel like I'm in love with him to be honest. But, I just don't wanna feel dumb if he's doing something behind my back because I poured my heart out to him." I said.

"I feel you on that. For real because I wouldn't want to pour my heart out to someone and they turn around and bite me in the ass." Shaniya said.

"Right but enough about me and Julian what about you and Day Day?" I asked.

"Well me and Day Day we're still rocking of course. We argue sometimes but what relationships don't have arguments? As long as we bounce right back to where we stand everything will be A1. I mean really love him but I can't let him no that because every time I told a boy I loved them everything would always change. So I just learned to never express my feelings to a nigga." She said

" I used to be the same way Shaniya honestly.  But,  I realized not all boys are the same I mean look at me and Julian's relationship.  I didnt wanna put my trust in him period I mean look back at me and Jamal's relaationship. He used to beat the shit out of me and I let him because I thought I loved him. Basically what im trying to say is that Day Day is a sweet guy.  He's not like the rest,  he's nothing like that other guy believe it. " I said.

"Yeah I guess you're right.  I gotta learn to put my guard down sometimes." She said. 

"Yeah I know.  Aren't I always right my nigga? " I asked.

"Yeah Mrs. Conceited. But can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Anything boo,  wassup." I said.

"What would you say if I told you that I saw a certain someone at the movies last night with Amaria? " She asked.

"Depends on who it is." I said.

"Well, it was Langston." She said.

"Well damn.  I thought he was my bro. He knew she fucked with me everyday when were in school. But, it doesn't even matter to me. " I said.

"So you just dont give a fuck?" She asked. 

"I mean how can I? Whoever he dates is the choices he makes. It doesn't concern me. I honestly really dont give 2 fucks to be truthful." I said.

"Well, ya know ya ass is my bestfriend so I had to put you hip on some shit your bro was doing.  And another thing my baby. " She said.

"Whats the dealio?" I asked.

"Maan I beat that bitch ass." She said.

"Damn for real B?" I asked.

"Man hell yeah she tried to tell me to shut up and you know how I get when someone other than my Mom tells me what to do." She said.

"Yeah I do, but hey let's get to this movie." I said.

We got up and through our trash away and headed to the Star theater. 

Justa little something for yall since havent updated in awhile. Yfeel meBut yeah comment, voteallat good shit

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