"We were once again the perfect couple. But then my secretary scheduled a trip to New York where her ex was waiting for Josie. Apparently my assistant was in love with me and planned the whole thing out with Josie's ex-boyfriend. He caught her alone and caught them making out. She still had feelings for him. I then said we needed a break and I slept with my secretary. Josie was gone in the morning and a few days later sent divorce papers to my address in Seattle." Before I could stop it, a tear drew down my thin face.

"It's over now." I wiped at my face like a man and huffed a pathetic smile at my dad, only to replace it with sorrow.

"I'm sorry, son,"

"So that's what's been going on. And now, I'm alone. My assistant quit and I no longer have a wife or child on the way."

My dad looked away not knowing what to say to my pathetic story.

"Dad, you were wrong. Not all women want a rich man to be happy."

He sighed then stood up and began picking up the plates from the table then walked over to the sink. I watched him clean off the table then start on the dishes. I reluctantly got up and began putting the left over food away.

Once everything was done, my dad grabbed the keys and said, "How 'bout we get a drink." I agreed and soon we were at a bar that my dad had frequented when my mother had left us.

My dad ranted once really drunk about his stupid marriage to my mom and how I myself was better off without a woman in my life.

"All they do is tear you apart and drain you of money and time!" He rasped with blood-shot eyes and terrible breath. I nodded, too drunk myself to say anything. We sat at a bar where another gentleman was agreeing with my father.

"Women, God's worst creation!" The man said. My dad nodded. "Married twenty years!" He went on. "The darn witch wanted a divorce in which she stole the car, dog, and tv."

"Damn her," my father cursed.

"Bloody," I slurred as I drank from a brown bottle. The man had a cigarette and allowed me to take a drag. I hadn't smoked since college. Only at parties I did. I never let it become a habit like I had allowed alcohol to be. I took another sip of alcohol and thought about all the stupid moments I called Josie and her baby mine. Holding her in my arms and even talking to the little guy had me laughing at myself and taking another drag.

"Rat-arsed I am!" My father laughed. I chuckled. I was drunk, too. Really drunk. I quickly finished up the stranger's cigarette and asked him for another. He gave me a pack then left. I shoved them into my jean's pocket and went back to drinking.

"Son," my dad slapped a hand onto my shoulder. "You need to find a girl tonight." He looked around. "Why don't you go and dance with the pretty ladies over there?" I smirked and shook my head.

"I don't bloody dance."

"Oh come on. You're pissed. You need to release some anger."

"Sod off."

"I'm not going to back off until you find a pretty girl."

I hiccuped and looked around the bar for a descent woman that wasn't lookin' like a hooker or a slut.

Then I saw her. Bright blond hair, light makeup, curvy frame, black modest cocktail dress, and creamy skin.

I stumbled off the stool I was on with a cigarette in my mouth and two drinks in my hands. My dad cheered me on but my heart fell as I made my way to her when I saw a guy sit down beside her with his arm around her seat.

I drew up courage and placed a handsome smirk on my face. Josie always said I had a way of sounding sexy when I wanted to.

The girl was obviously not interested in the guy and that boosted my confidence.

I placed one of my drinks in front of her, getting both of their attention. "Name's Harry," I sat down beside her putting an arm around her shoulder. I put the other bottle on the table and took the cigarette out of my mouth. I smiled at the girl and she looked really nervous. I wondered how old she was.

"Hi," she kindly smiled, "Sophia."

The man glared at me.

"Let me guess, muppet," I mocked at him, "you didn't even get as far as to know her name." He grunted and got up and left. "You're welcome," I said. Sophia shook her head.

"Thanks I guess. However, he seemed like a nicer guy than you."

"I'm a nice guy. But girls like the bad boys." She smirked.

"I guess you're right." I took a drag and offered it to her. "Oh, no, thank you but I don't smoke. Nor do I drink." She gestured to the bottle I had placed in front of her. She had also ignored the drink the guy had bought for her.

"Well then, more for me." I squished the cigarette in an ash tray and opened a bottle. "I don't smoke either. I mean, I did in college but quit. But tonight this random guy gave me a whole pack." I took out the pack and shook my head. I looked around me, then tapped a random guy's shoulder. He saw the pack and took it without any words. I smiled at Sophia and she just shook her head with a pretty smile.

"You're something else, Harry."

"I am, aren't I?"

"How much have you had to drink tonight?" I shrugged.

"I'm just trying to forget my ex-wife."

"Is that supposed to get me to feel bad for you? You are not married."

"I'm not married. Just got divorced."

"I don't believe you." I chuckled.

"I don't need you to believe me. I'm just telling you why I'm here. What's your story?"

"A good response would be that I'm here for the free drinks," I laughed, "but I already told you I don't drink."

"Indeed you did, so what's the truth?"

She looked me in the eyes with her plain brown ones. "To get laid."

"What a coincidence, so am I!" She laughed. "How old are you?"


"Phew, you're young."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-seven. Will be twenty-eight in August." She nodded but never let that pretty smile leave her face. There was something different about her smile. She didn't have perfect teeth. "I like your teeth." Actually I liked her confidence in showing them off. She obviously didn't care about their appearance with the way she was showing them off.

"I like your ears!" I cupped one ear and scoffed, thinking of all the times I hated whenever Josie yanked on them.

"Yeah? Just don't pull on them. I hate that." She nodded as if the information I was feeding her was important.

After a moment of silence she piped up, "Do you want to get out of here?" I gave her a devilish grin and nodded.

Not Your Ordinary Millionaire Love Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now