Decietful Liza

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I rubbed my sweaty palms against my nice slacks and softly jumped at my wife's gentle touch.

"Everything's going to be fine." I nervously nodded then wiped at some sweat on my forehead. "Are you sweating?" I shrugged, which only made my wife giggle. "Stop worrying. He's going to love you!"


"He is definitely going to like you, Harry. You took in his pregnant daughter and treats her right."

"But what if he thinks of me as an ignorant, rich boy?"

"He is not."

Josie and I sat at a restaurant in New York City, waiting for her dad and his date, Jen, to show up.

I stood when I saw the older gentleman in the wheelchair make his way to our table with a good looking older woman by his side. Josie's dad had her green eyes and even though his hair was already grey, I guessed she also got her strawberry-blond hair from him.

I put on a stupid, fake smile and held my hand out and down towards Mr. Mill. "So, this is the famous Mr. Harry Robinson."

"It's nice to finally meet you, sir. Josie talks about you often." He shook my hand and scoffed.

"I bet she does."

"And you must be Jen," Josie said with a hand out for the woman to take. Jen had short brown hair that curled at her shoulders and crows feet. She seemed like a woman who's been through hell and back. I couldn't help but allow the image of Josie looking like Jen had I never met her. Josie told me about the woman's background and how she had a kid alone. I was suddenly thankful that my lovely Josie didn't have to experience hell like this woman's obvious tired eyes displayed.

"Andy talks about you a lot, Josie." She shook Josie's hand then smiled down at her stomach. "And congratulations on the pregnancy." She turned to me and shook my hand. "I feel like I already know you, Harry. You're a good man. Loving and caring for Josie and taking the baby under your wing is one of the biggest things a man or human can do in their lifetime."

"Thank you," I simply said. Josie and I sat down as well as did Jen. Andy rolled himself forward and began some small talk as he searched the menu.

"So, have you guys thought of names?" Josie nodded.

"We have, but nothing's stuck." He just nodded to his daughter's response.

"Josie told me you've inherited quite the treasure in England."

"I have."

"What do you plan to do with all that fortune?"

"I don't know just yet. And actually, I only get to inherit it all if I move to England and live in the estate that once belonged to my grandfather. If I choose not to, then my step-grandmother decides what to do with it. I have exactly one year to decide. For now everything belongs to my step-grandmother." Andy nodded his head.

"So, what have you decided?"

"I don't know just yet. I am an American citizen and so is Josie. I could get a temporary citizenship in London but ... I love the states too much. However, it would be nice to live in an estate in the country side of my home country." Andy nodded his head once more.

"Of course, it's a choice I plan to make with my wife's input." I quickly added. Josie took my hand and smiled.

Andy smiled. "Josie? What do you think?" He asked.

"I don't know yet. All I know is that I'll follow Harry anywhere. And also that I want to have this baby in America." I chuckled.

"How many more weeks?" Jen asked. Josie rubbed her bloated belly.

"Eleven." Jen squealed.

"Are you excited?" Both Josie and I smiled. Eleven more weeks. That's insane. "How many children do you plan to have?"

I shrugged while Josie said, "Ten. At least, Harry wants eleven but he's crazy if he thinks I'm gonna put myself through birth eleven times."

"You might have twins," Andy added. I readjusted myself in the chair at the thought of having to take care of two children who would be the same age. I don't think I could do that. I mean, I'd be at work the whole time but leaving that up to Josie seemed like a nightmare.

"Maybe," Josie nervously hinted.

We enjoyed lunch together then I was soon called into the office for another meeting. We said our goodbyes and I took Josie to the office with me. I told her to sit in the lobby after getting her some snacks and left her watching Netflix in the front foyer waiting room of the office building.


I sent a quick text to Ryan telling him that Josie was in the building as I followed my boss to the conference room. I was grateful that Josie didn't tell Harry about which accounting firm Ryan worked for or else this wouldn't have pulled through.

The meeting went smooth and I could only hope Ryan was doing his job efficiently. I knew he liked the spoiled girl so assumed that he would put on every charm tactic his handsome face could muster. There was no way any girl could resist those blue eyes of his. They were almost practically pulling me in when I first met him. While the two love birds where exploring the city, I was rendezvousing with Mr. Platt.

The meeting soon came to an end and Harry already had a foot out the door. The sight of him acting like a broken into puppy made me sick. Of course if his neediness was aimed towards me I would be fain with the attention.

"Mr. Robinson," I began, "you have another meeting tomorrow at nine."

"Alright," he nonchalantly waved off. Man, the girl had him whipped. I frowned.

"So, things between you and Josie are no longer cloudy."

"You know?" He stopped and I realized we were at the elevator. He tapped the down button and I looked into his entrancing golden-brown eyes that he claimed to be plain. "I don't think it was ever foggy between us before our talk." My frown deepened. His mom had inadvertently helped plant a seed of doubt in his mind and I tried poring water on it to help it grow, but it seemed Josie tore it out before it could fester like a weed.

I was furious. I should have never given him advice nor egg on their marriage. I thought my chance was gone. But after Harry admitted to me being closer to him than his own wife, I couldn't help but feel like that window opened again for me.

"How was seeing her parents?" I asked. The doors to the elevator soon opened.

"It was good. And actually, it was her dad and his girlfriend. Her mom is passed away." I just stood stone face as we entered the elevator.

"Mr. Robinson, I have to tell you something," Here it goes. "I like Josie and all, but ... I think she's just using you."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, ... why are the two of you suddenly so in love with each other? It doesn't make sense to me."

He shrugged. "Josie is the reason. She saw doubt and made sure to fix that. And I'm glad she has. I feel like a new man lately."

"I don't know. I don't trust her. Harry, what if she's cheating on you?"

"Liza, why would you say such a thing? Josie's not cheating on me."

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out into a front foyer. I followed my boss—the man I loved—but stopped and stared wide-eyed at the scene before me.

Josie you slut.

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