"She got over it. And it actually made us closer." Scott tries to reason.

"I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. He's totally overwhelmed." Stiles says, gesturing to his father.

"He's overwhelmed because he doesn't have a clue what's going on. People keep dying in the town he's supposed to protect. And it's not his fault that he doesn't know why all this is happening." The twins share a look, knowing that Scott is right. "He's going to find out sometime. You know he is."

"But is now the right time?" Sarah questions.

"What if not telling him is getting more people killed?" Scott tries to reason.

"What if telling him gets him killed?" Sarah says, trying to keep her voice low but fails.

"I get Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that. But this is our actual father. We can't lose both our parents. Not both." Stiles rants, regretting some of his words when they come out of his mouth.

"Okay, you're right." Scott calmly nods, not taking it to heart knowing they're stressed.

"No, I'm not. I'm not right. We'll tell him." Stiles sighs.

"I'll help you." Scot says, giving him an encouraging nod. They walk out of the examining room to see Morrell talking to Stilinski.

"Please. Whatever you need. However i can help find my brother." Morrell says to the sheriff and his deputies, she then turns to the trio and walks ver to them. "Listen closely, the three of you. No Sheriff, Deputy or Detective is going to be able to find him."

"You don't have to ask us for help." Scott dismissees her, saying that he is going to help.

"Actually, I'm trying to help you. Because if you're going to find my brother then you need to use the one person who might have an ability to seek out the supernatural." Morrell corrects.

"Who?" Scott frowns and Morrell locks eyes with Sarah, causing the boys to divert their attention to her as well.

"Lydia." She answers and they leave the clinic to go to school. Stiles decides to break away from Sarah and Scott, who look around together, when they receive a text from Stiles saying that he found her. "They found her." Sarah speaks up, but Scott looks like he's concentrated on something else. He places a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet, and Sarah follows behind him as he rushes towards the music room where they find Deucalion and James.

"Do you know what a metronome is, Scott? Sarah?" Deucalion asks the pair, who frown at the question, Deucalion doesn't give them a chance to answer as he starts to continue. "It's a tool to help you maintain a steady rhythm once you've set the tempo. Whether it's slow." Deucalion taps his cane on the floor with a slow pace. "Or fast." He speeds up the tapping then abruptly stops. "Something tells me the tempo of your life has sped up considerably in the last few hours. If you'd like, i could help slow it down to a more manageable pace."

"How?" Scott and Sarah ask in unison.

"By helping you find Deaton." Deucalion smirks and their eyes widen. "Your hearts are pounding. But it's not fear. Even from a human, like yourself Sarah. It's anger. I bet i know what you're both thinking. Does he have something to do with Deatons disappearance? Maybe i can make the blind man talk." Scotts jaw clenches and his hands turn into fists.

"James." Deucalion turns his attention to his youngest brother, who walks over to Sarah and wraps two arms around her, preventing her from escaping.

"Sorry, love." He whispers into her ear.

"If you can take the cane from me... I'll tell you exactly where he is. Now what do you think-" Deucalion gets cut off as Scott tries to grab the cane, but Deucalion gets the upper hand and easily dodges his hits. He plunges the cane into Scotts shoulder and pulls it out as Scott collapses to the ground.

Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)Where stories live. Discover now