"Who is Atros," Balthazar asked, and I could feel his hint of jealousy. "He is my second cousin on my mother's side," I explained. "No matter how large a Fae's family is, they're always close," the elder explained to Balthazar. "He was training to become Queen Azula's oath bound warrior for when she became Queen."

"Oath bound warrior," Lui asked. "Its the same as Captain of the Guard," I answered. "Same duties, just different title."

We heard a commotion outside, the sound of wolves and men returning. I got up quickly and went to the doorway of the hut. Atros stood in his white leather armor, sword on his hip, his long white hair braided behind his back. "Azula," he said softly. I felt the tears well up, and ran for him. I jumped into his arms and he held me close.

Balthazar's POV

I stood in the doorway, watching as Azula reunited with one of her family members. "Those two had been inseparable. Because of the immense power Azula would one day grow into, many feared her. Not Atros though. Outside of her parents, he was the only other family to accept her for who she was," the elder said to me. "The day we were attacked, Atros stood before the vampires, sword in hand, doing his best to protect her. He never recovered from that day, feeling he had failed in protecting his cousin."

The elder then looked at me, "I am the Klein Moi, the elder here." "I'm King Balthazar Parthos," I introduced. "These are our children, Prince Lui, Prince Yulen, and Princess Laceria." "Children not of her blood, yet she loves them just the same," he noted with a nod.

Soon Azula and Atros were walking over. "Atros, this is my mate King Balthazar and our children Lui, Yulen, and Laceria. This is my cousin Atros," Azula introduced. Atros stuck his hand out to me and I shook it. "I can tell my cousin is rather happy in your care," Atros said with a nod. "Thank you."

I nodded, but didn't say anything. Atros then looked at Azula after letting go of my hand, "So what brings you home after all this time?" "We found a book that had been taken from the library a while back by our enemy. We were worried they were going to try and get their hands on the Heart," Azula explained to him. He gave a low growl, "That damned Heart has done nothing but cause you pain. It's best you return from where you once came from and never come back."

Azula gave him a look of complete confusion, "What are you talking about?" He studied her, "You mean, you don't remember?" "Remember what," she asked him. "Remember when those damned Priests tried to sacrifice you and give your magic to the Heart to increase our defenses against the vampires," he said and her eyes widened.

"What," she whispered.

"I think it best we save this for another time," the elder stated. "It is getting to be almost high sun, and we need to ensure we're ready for the oncoming blizzard." "Sioc and Rí are still at the palace," Azula said. "We'll go retrieve them and our things," Lui said.

"Act quickly, the blizzard will not be kind," Klein told the children who then ran off. Atros nodded, "We'll get you settled then we will discuss what happened."

We worked quickly to get ready, the kids getting back just in time with the dragons. The dragons settled with the wolves while we were put in a hut. "No let's pick up where we left off," I said, while crossing my arms. Atros nodded, "Some of the Priests were convinced sacrificing Azula would have been our salvation. No one in the kingdom believed that though. These were also the same Priests who tried to get us to believe a lot of crap that was false. They left their temple, breaking tradition, to kidnap her from her room. Had it not been for Terris needing to go out in the middle of the night, we may have lost her."

Memory fragments were coming to the surface, giving me a massive headache. "I ran to Azula's parents and informed them what happened. We ran after them and got to the alter in time. I had never seen the King so angry. He got into an altercation with them while the Queen and I cut you free. She told me to take you and run from the temple. By now the sun was coming up, signaling the start of summer solstice so our powers weren't working. As we ran, the vampires attacked. You slipped and hit your head, which is probably why you don't remember much. I tried to fight off the vampires but I was only ten at the time. You had woken up right before the vampires took you away and left me bleeding out in the snow."

"How did you survive," Azula asked him. "Your mother," he answered. "She managed to stop the bleeding." "How did they perish," Azula asked him. "They didn't," he told her. She tensed beside me, "What?" "They're in the Frozen Woods with a group, gathering wood," Atros explained. "They're due back in a week. We were all convinced you had been killed. I must warn you though, you have three younger siblings now. It was only found out right after you had been taken your mother was pregnant with Zilan. Then as the years went by she had Reese and Norzic."

I don't think Azula was breathing for a second as she took it all in. I rested my hand over hers, and gave it a squeeze. She looked at me, eyes glossy with tears. "We'll wait so you can see them again," I told her. She gave a small nod, "Thank you mo ghaol." 

That night, we were given our own room. "Are you okay," I asked her. "I don't know," she whispered. "I thought they had been killed." She wiped her eyes and sniffled. She then looked at me, "What's going to happen to the ice fae now that we know they're alive?" "No demon can live in these extreme temperatures," I told her. The kids and I were doing our best to stay warm, but we were not meant to withstand these temperatures for long periods of time like Azula can. "They can. We can establish them as official protectors of the Heart. We'll give them official documentation and everything. We'll get communications set up so you can stay in contact as well." Tears flowed down her face as she hugged me, "Thank you." 

The idea of enslaving her people killed me, and the idea of making her put her own people through that without reason, killed me more because I know it would hurt her. They have been doing their best to survive no ill actions towards us. If they agree to continue the peace, then I will have them established as part of the Legion, under orders to protect the Heart.  

I held her tightly to me, as she cried silently. When she calmed down we laid down with her in my arms, her face buried in my chest. I kissed the top of her head before drifting to sleep. 

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