Its time to know

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When I woke up it was dark and I looked around and got up. "What is going on?" I then saw myself. "What the- HEY YOU!" I ran after them but I fell through them. They were at my grandmas and were talking with Kaitlyn in our beds. "Ok night Kaitlyn!" I heard them say. "Night." It went silent for about 20 minutes before I sat up. "Kaitlyn can you sleep?" No answer. "Yawn fine." Then I heard something. I got up and picked out the door. "What is that sound?" Cooper their dog began to whine. I then looked outside and saw a very tall man with a bunch of people around him. "Gasp!" Oh now that was a dumb move. They all turned and we had direct eye contact for exactly 3 seconds before I slammed the door and locked it from top to bottom. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god GEEZ WHY ME!" I ran to the room and tried to wake up Kaitlyn but she was out. "Come on Kaitlyn." The door I locked opened and I heard them say. "Jeff you get her, will be waiting." Oh no not today! I moved some stuff out from under her bed and hid. "Knock knock I'm coming in." The dark voice scared me. "Now let's just make em forget." I heard a loud sound from above the bed and in the rest of the rooms, I then got out. "I see you~" I heard his deep voice as I ran out the front door with other voices screaming get her! "Oh throw me under the bus and shove a stick up my butt!" I felt my heart rate run and then I made it to the woods and just kept going. I began to wrestle with Jeff who had something in his hand trying to hit me with it. "Go. To. Sleep!" I then grabbed the gun and shot him right in the head with it. He was not injured but stayed there for a second then fell to the side and I heard a gasp. "Jeff! This hasn't happened before slender what do we do!" "This!" He grabbed the gun and shot me with it dropping me down. "We can live without him." "But slender!" "No buts NOW!" Then about 30 seconds later a portal took us away. I then woke up in the bed. Oh my god. Is that what happened? I looked at the time. 3:33 am... fantastic. I pressed the button to the restroom and went but I couldn't see so I had to follow the tug. I opened the door and walked by the mirror then stopped and walked back to it and saw a terrifying sight. The eye had begun to bleed, my cheek seemed to be injured too, and I was coughing up blood! "Umm oh my F G GOD!" I was dripping blood off my eyelashes and I'm surprised no one woke up to my scream. "Oh god what to do what to do- MO- no she isn't here nor is dad and the only two here is Jeff and-..." I pressed the button to the parents room and began to bang on the door with determined speed. "ASGORE ASGORE ASGORE ASGORE!" He came to the door worried. "What is wrong- OH MY GOODNESS!" He grabbed me and all the commotion woke up Jeff. "What's going on- Sh!t head?" He saw me covered in blood and pressed the button to my room. "Hey is she ok?" "Her wound must have opened back up in her sleep, do you move around in your sleep? Did you have a nightmare? Did you open it your self?" I sat there in shock of what was happening and all I could hear was a light ringing in my ears and my eye went blurry and then I felt a hand rub my eye and hold onto me then a muffled MAKAYLA was heard before I passed back out. "Where am I now?" A sign with the words 'follow the soul to proceed' was read. "That weird looking red soul?" I followed it then a voice began to talk. "Small memories, small choices, small child, small brain, but such a big heart... hehe HaHaHa HAHAHAHAHA! What an idiot you are!" As they grabbed the soul and said. "The day will come where you will go back home and not remember this at all, Jeff will forget but this won't fall. You will lose what is rightfully yours, your family, friends, and others too but you will gain something more from Jeff... for now you will have a brother and just wait for the day where you disappear from history and your father, Asgore the first, will never be heard from again!" She crushed the soul and held out a soul that was disfigured. "For now... have fun with your innocence... broken soul!" She laughed as I woke up and my bandages were soaked once again. "What was that... no who was that? Jeff will be more but for now is my brother... no I... this can't be... I'm stuck until that day... let's get comfy then." Asgore and Jeff came into the room. "Idiot! God are you ok, you have been out for a week!" "Ya I'm just-" Then they saw my bandages again. "Their all wet all over again, it's been like this all week." Asgore took off the wet ones and replaced them with clean ones. "That should last, now we should get you some food. Come now." As he held out a hand for me to hold as he pressed the button to the living room. We ate, we talked, we laughed, we bonded! After a few months of this I called Jeff bro and Asgore called him JK as a nickname and me... He didn't give me one yet.
~5 months later~
Hey sis, hurry up in the bathroom dad got on your favorite show! The battle of love!" I jumped off the toilet and hurried out the door as I sat down next to JK. "Oh I can't wait to see if the warrior, Elizabeth, takes the monsters hand, Amelia, or leaves her for dead! This is the best show ever!" "I am glad you like it, now calm down it's on." As the tv talked a smile grew on my face. "But what if the monsters lose! I will never be able to visit you again!" Amelia smiled and took her hand. "You and I are meant to be! Who cares what our gender is, our race, our religion! What matters is that me and you are two of a kind." As Amelia pulled out a card she had given to Elizabeth at their first meet. As Elizabeth pulled out hers and hugged Amelia close and tight she repeated the words. "I well never let you go, I will never let you go, I-" I gasped as the monsters eyes widened. She looked down at her new mate to see a sword. She was terrified as Amelia dusted in front of her. The man with the sword was the man her father tried to get her to marry. "It's a good thing I got here, that monster could have killed you." As he grabbed her hand he yelled at her. "We must move before more come to find us!" She then pulled away. "You just killed her! You... YOU... YOU ARE THE MONSTER!" As she grabbed his sword and stabbed him threw the chest and pulled out his soul. "GO TO HELL!" As she crushed his soul in her hand, he fell and died. "What do I do now, my love... I'm sorry..." "WILL OUR WARRIOR CHOICE TO JOIN YHE SIDE OF EVIL OR THE SIDE OF JUSTICE? FIND OUT TOMORROW ON, THE BATTLE OF LOVE!" A smile grew on my face. "God I wish I could be like warrior Elizabeth and have a love no matter what we are like Amelia! The evil dude Jackson got what he deserved!" "Ok my children it is time for bed now." As he said that a knock at the door was heard. "Hello, Asgore are you home? I need you to watch frisk!" A female voice was heard. "Children go to your room for now ok?" He whispered to us as we whispered a ok we hid in the room as he locked the door and he answered the other. "Hello Asgore do you have company? I heard you talk to someone." "Oh no it was just the tv tori, anyways what is it that you need?" "I need you to watch frisk, is that alright?" Asgore turned very nervous but still said. "Yes that is perfectly fine." "Great, bye Asgore."

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