Control the dark

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I didn't tell anyone as my fear pulled me in. "Kill, destroy, MAKE THEM FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL!" After a few painful days of this and screams in the night, I grew a constant state of fear and having so I jumped often, twitched, and sometimes screamed for no reasons at all just thinking that this voice would come and take me away. Today I got fed up and went to the bathroom and saw not mine but some dark creatures reflection in the mirror. "You can't fight me forever~ You will have my name on your grave stone and you last words will be another scream of help just like that doctors!" I looked away as they were mad now. "Don't tell me you care for Jeff... you care for someone who kidnapped you and took away every little bit of innocence and humanity you had left?" She chuckled and finally said. "Then will see what happens when you feel for the first time in forever." As she left I saw myself and I jumped at the door being knocked on as she made me say everything I thought out loud. "They are humans, not gonna kill, no this isn't happening, it hurts, make it stop, It Hurts, shut up, IT HURTS!!!" As I bent down I felt my arm claw into my skin as my shirt ripped open the sleeves and my mouth hurt like h*ll! I looked in the mirror, my missing eye was leaking black, my teeth ended at a point, my arms were pure darkness and my fingertips were sharp. My eye that was still there had gone dark and red and was leaking only a little as I began to cry in pain. They broke down the door when I was saying everything out loud again. "What is she, make it stop, what is this, it hurts, SHUT UP!" They dragged me to the bed as I broke out of their grasp and ran down the hall scarring everyone who saw me. I found a window and I was on the top floor and it pointed toward the woods so I was forced to jump. Police, doctors, nurses, firefighters and news reports flooded the area as I kept whispering under my breath for her to stop. She- no IT wasn't going to stop til she got what she wanted. My back hurt and I fell in pain, they thought they got me till arms broke from my flesh and ended with sharp point like my arms. 1,2,3,4 that's how many broke from my body and I felt every last second of it. "Don't, it hurts, I can feel my organs moving, WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE ME?!!" As I ran in the woods everyone followed me as we went deeper and deeper. I saw some other people but I couldn't care who they were, travers or something. I was blocked by a large tree. "All we want it to help-" I cut them off. "Help, HELP, you want me dead, I know these tricks, I can feel everything, it hurts, it burns, I don't want to feel this but I know what you are going to do, those sick b*sterds, you guys want to kill me, idiots, shot me, make them burn, Hahahaha!" A laugh unlike my usual revenge of the nerds laugh (if you get this reference you are too old to be on Wattpad and I will ask you to leave), no it was high pitch, loud, echoey, and it sent chills down even my spine. I saw a cop ready to pull his gun as one of my extra arms grabbed him and I said. "Don't you f*cking dare!" Then another did. And all I did was look at the now flat bullet on the ground and smiled. I then threw the other at a tree as I grabbed the one that shot me and he saw my sharp teeth, my red eye, my darkness, everything made him go pale. "Oh god..." I laughed. "Oh no my dear friend, what a buffoon, we don't say god, go to hell, we say HELLO SATAN!" As I grabbed his neck and spin it all the way around in a 360. They all stood there in silence and blood dropped from his mouth as I threw him down his head rolled from his body. I smiled and saw the other ready to shoot from behind me as I used my arm and made my fingers mold to a point as it went threw him like a knife on paper. Blood dripped, a tear fell, a body went limp, soon everyone ran and my arm was pulled back to me as the police were always told to not stand down no matter what. "Do you really want to die tonight?"

They shook their head in fear some whispering prayers and others saying they have kids at home

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They shook their head in fear some whispering prayers and others saying they have kids at home. "Ok I'm not inhuman you many leave." I had taken their phone and saw ex wives and no kids. Next thing they knew they were pinned to trees and I said. "You dirty liars." As all them cried in pain as I slowly pulled them limb from limb. I felt as my extra arms retracted into my back in pain I fell and cried as my arms hurt as they went back to normal and my eyes did too, other than the one that was missing, my teeth weren't sharp anymore, my black veins went away and I smiled at that. Something that wouldn't go away is me talking as say something I never said. "It's ok, no it's not, just breath, their all dead, I just killed some people, and it all your fault!" I curled up in a ball whispering, jumping, twitching, screaming ever so often and laughing until I finally fell into a sleep. I woke up all numb again and on a couch. It was red and a cover draped over me. "Where am I, you choice this route." I said remembering what I did the night before and began to cry.

How I became a creepypasta Where stories live. Discover now