The past, present, and future time

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I was with JK a brother of mine... we woke up and we were not brother and sister at first, we HATED each other at first! But we both saw the chains on our legs and were ready for what would walk through that door. A terrible, terrifying, despicable creature must walk in. But this person didn't look to mean at all. "Are you two feeling alright?" He said as he held two plates of food and tea in his arms. He was about 8-9 feet tall, looked like a goat person, his horns laid tall and sharp on his head, his hair and beard a yellow blonde color, his fur a smooth white, he wore no shoes as his white feet poked out from underneath his long blue cape that goes all the way around to the front of his body covering himself, under it I could see a pink Hawaii shirt with white flowers, he has golden shoulder pads and a crown lays between his horns, his big fluffy hands greeted us. "I am King Asgore but you may just call me Asgore." Me and JK did even know who each other were and I finally heard JK say. "Jeff..." I saw Asgore smile then look at me kneeing down. "And you small one?" I sat back a bit and said scared. "M-Makayla..." He smiled as he rubbed my head and said. "I'm sorry for the ankle bracelets, I just can't risk you two getting out or worse hurt. I have made something in the time you were out so you are not locked in a room." As he pointed to a set of buttons on the wall. "These will connected to any part of the house you wish to go to and I have made as many as I can." I looked at them and each read another room. Bedroom, living room, bathroom, guest room, parents room... "Parents room?" He smiled and said a little worried. "I just call it that I have a child of my own, their name is frisk." He looked at a picture that looked like chaos more than a family picture. "Me and my ex wife toriel take care of the child..." He looked sad then looked at me and said. "Well how about you try it out while I make us something more to eat shall we?" I looked at the plates, they had a small slice of pie and smelled sweet and the tea looked like it was still hot. I looked at him and felt the wrapping over my eye and began to panic. He rushed over to calm me down. "It is alright, it isn't bleeding. When I found you, your eye was badly injured and you probably won't have sight in it anymore. I tried my best to help I promise." As he held my head up to look at him and he rubbed my eye just a bit before leaving to make more food. "So you're Makayla then?" "Yep and you're umm Jeff the killer if my eye say right." "Wow you know who I am, how nice." I looked down and decided to try out one of the buttons to the bathroom. I pressed the button and the chain tugged me a bit and connected to another chain a good distance away. How nice. As I walked to the restroom, I heard Asgore humming to a song rather dark sounding like monster by gumi. I went into the restroom and the chain pulled as I looked at myself in the mirror. "My eye... it hurts. My cheek... feels broken. Mu tears... they burn." I cried and cried as I sat on the toilet as Asgore the knocked to ask worried. "Makayla, my child are you alright?" I went silent and he sighed and said. "If you are hungry I have made some food... you do not have to eat if you don't want to." I got up and went to open the door then stopped as he walk away and I heard Jeff's chain pull behind him. "Don't forget, this could be our only chance of food. Take it or leave it." I put my head on the door and breathed in wiping my tears and breathed out opening the door and pressing the button to the living room. "I'm happy that you joined us!" Asgore said cheerfully. He put a plate of noodles, breadsticks, and a cup of tea in front of both of us. I hesitated because it looked to good to be true. "Don't worry, I made it perfect! I will be cleaning up the guest room for you Jeff. If you two need something just give me a holler ok?" We nodded as he went in and closed the door. "So what poison do you think he put in here?" "I don't know but we don't know till we try it." I used a fork and took a bite as Jeff watched me wanting me to fall dead once it touched my tongue. I ate it and it tasted perfectly fine. "Hm it actually taste pretty good." "Just wait till you die in your sleep, then you'll say something else." He then took a bite too and his eyes lit up. "Ok I guess it good." He took more and in the end when Asgore came out we had finished all the food on our plates. "Wonderful! You may go to your rooms or check out the house it's your choices." He smiled as he took our plates into the kitchen to clean them. He came out to us arguing in the room. "I got here first so I call the room!" "No it mine, I'm not a guest I'm a murderer!" "I'm a normal kid with a life too ya know so just go to the guest room. He even said he was cleaning it up for you!" He laughed at our argument for the room. Once jeff started to push and shove Asgore had to get involved and said. "How about we play a fun game of Rock Paper Scissors. On the scissors ok." We then said at the same time closing our eyes and Asgore watching. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!" We looked and I never win but this time I had paper and he had rock. "GOD DANG IT!" He said as Asgore laughed and led Jeff to his room. I sat down and after about 5 minutes Asgore came in. "Jeff is asleep now, are you tired?" It was, according to the small clock on the side table, 10:00 pm and I've been tired. "Ya ever since I was 2 I've set my bed time myself for 8:00." "Oh really then you must have been much more tired than Jeff." "Ya hehe." Asgore could tell I was scared so he sat down and put one hand on my face and picked up my chin. "The reason you have the brackets is so you don't leave. I can not let the other monsters know I have 2 humans in my home after I had moved us away from them to get away. Do you understand?" I nodded and he let go of my chin and smiled and I gave a weak smile back. After he closed the door and laid back I felt a chill up my spin and started to cry under the covers. "I just want to go home... mom, dad, Cain, Kaitlyn, Kailee someone... please."

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