I'd hate to remeber

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With 20 minutes before everyone comes upstairs we were silent. Jeff put his knife down and I kept my form on then he came over and sat down next to me. "You got your anger out?" I looked at him pissed and said with a sigh. "Ya, maybe." Jeff leaned his head back and looked at me with a small smile. "Well maybe you can tell me who that extra voice is then." I froze then our voices merged and said at the same time. "Dark." He grabbed my chin and looked me around. "And this is how you look when your upset now?" "Yes, why does he care?" He let go and put his arms behind his head before he knew it the dark in me started to argue again making him have to as well and the screaming began. Slender and them came up and we were yelling and yelling so they said they'll leave us till morning. If they stayed one second more then they would have seen how the picture changed. Once the door closed Jeff had stopped fighting and screaming and to make me stop he pulled me in close by my arm and kissed me. My eyes widened and his closed, his grip was soft and mine was strong, his lips touched mine and mine touched his. When he pulled away my face was covered in blush and he looked at my eyes. "You can shut up now." I pushed him pissed as hell as he smiled and sat on the bed. I felt his arm go around me and I knew it was now or never to ask him. "Why did you let me go from you closet in the first place, not like we cared!" He looked at me and laughed as he said. "Cause I don't like people taking what mine~" He then dragged a hand up my back and rubbed the back of my head. I knew what he meant but I still asked. "What does that mean, why do you care?" He smiled and learned to only listen to one voice, mine. He trailed his hand back down my back and up my shirt and said. "It means I have claimed you, your mine and no one else's." As he unbuttoned the hospital gown. I was frozen my extra arms already ripped it enough but he made it drop. My bra still on and underwear. I began to remember what he did to me before, that I had forgotten, repeat in my head. He pinned me to the bed and the darkness in me tried to scream at him and yell but I managed to shut it up. His jacket came off and so did his shirt and my face was red and I was silent. He had scares and scratches all over him chest and stomach as it seemed like it just kept going down. I never remembered this many from last time but it was much of a blur. He then pulled out a thing of vodka and picked up my chin, he was getting drunk. He then took a few drinks then pulled up my chin and took another drink and kissed me transferring the drink from his mouth to mine. It tasted terrible but I still drank it. He smiled and licked his lips as he pulled on my bra and it was dropped to the floor. My face and the rest of my body was pure red. He pulled me back into the kiss as he pulled off his shorts and I definitely wasn't ready. He saw that and kept me in the kiss slowly laying on me and his tongue entered my mouth. I finally closed my eyes and he sat me up holding onto my shoulders. I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling into the kiss farther. Once we pulled away I was out of breath and my red eye went back to blue, I pulled on him from the pain of my arms going back into my back and my teeth cutting to a flat surface. My veins went back to me not seeing them and my arms wrapped around his sides and my nails dig into them, my chin sat on his shoulder and my tongue hung out of my mouth. His arms held onto me as he kissed my neck and slowly began to lightly bite. He earned a few moans from his fragilness. He sat up again as he slowly laid me up against the backboard of the bed kissing me once more. He wasn't going to take off anything else and he knew that I was happy for that. He kept hold of the kiss and I pulled in as the blood from his slit mouth wound transferred to my face. Once we pulled back he began to laugh. "What's so fun?!?" He grabbed a small mirror with the words, "JACKS DON'T TOUCH, JEFF!" And I got to see the long line of blood making a blood smile on my face. I inspected it then looked at Jeff as he grabbed my bra and said with laughter still in his voice. "Maybe I can find you a long shirt cause my clothes and no one else's will fit you, unless we want to ask slender for pants." I am more legs then anything so he was making fun of that, I am 5'3-5'4, yes I'm short. Once I got my bra on I waited for him to get me the shirt so I could take the bra off under it. He threw me a shirt and no surprise it smelt like vodka, blood, and his hoodie, along with that it had stains of blood and beer on it. "Did you just give me a scratch and sniff shirt or something?" He laughed a little then said. "Would you rather borrow my hoodie?" I looked at him and finally said fine, knowing that the voice had stopped in the background. After I put it on and took the bra off he laid down and pulled me in... I didn't think I would be hear. I'm sleeping with a murderer in a murderers house, I'm a monster and there is no doubt about it, I'm a murderer, I'm with Jeff the killer, we had almost killed each other in a fight and now he cares for me out of nowhere. So much happened in so little time... Jeff is no doubt going to be made fun of tomorrow when they see us sleeping together though... My first day as a murderer, drinking vodka, and having my first love... Fun

How I became a creepypasta जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें