Chapter 20

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Tyree rushed into the apartment grabbing Malaysia by her hair and threw her on the ground.
Malaysia yelled and begged for Tyree to stop, but that just made Tyree mad. She didn't think she wasn't trying to hurt her, she just wanted her to know she has changed and wants her back.
"Shut the fuck up Malaysia, I just want to talk to you okay, now shut the fuck up before I kill your ass," Tyree spat at her.
Malaysia quickly became quiet and looked at Tyree, who was now straddling her waist.

"Look I miss you, and I've changed a lot you can come home now, no more cheating and everything I love you baby," Tyree began to explain before she leaned in to kiss Malaysia.
Malaysia turned her face and the kiss landed on her cheek, which made Tyree furious.
"Oh you can't kiss me, but you can kiss that other bitch!"
"Fuck you, ain't shit change about you, and Kali has treated me better in the little time I have known her than you ever have bitch!"

Before she knew it Tyree was hitting her in her face and side, all she could do is curl her body up and hope for the best.

One last blow hit her across the head, and Tyree began to yell. "Fuck you Malaysia, I'm gunna kill you and that bitch, but imma wait till she's here so you can watch me off her ass first." She quickly got up and rushed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her.

Malaysia was in so much pain and couldn't even move from the position she was in on the floor. She laid there and about a hour passed before she could even move again. When she was able to get up, she immediately went into the bathroom. Her beautiful chocolate skin was now swollen and bruised. The good thing is that her face was not bruised to badly, all thanks to her covering her face.
She sat on the toilet and cried, until she heard Kali's voice come from the phone.
"Malaysia," Kali began to say.
She quickly gathered herself and went over to the phone, she then laid in the bed because her body began to hurt.
"Good morning baby," she said trying not to sound like she was just crying.
"Hey boo, you okay? I heard a lot of noise over there,"

"Uh yeah I'm fine, you must of just heard me in the kitchen and stuff," Malaysia quickly lied and said.
"Oh okay just making sure, well we about to go and head to see Shy in the hospital so I'm gunna text you when I get out the shower and stuff,"
"Okay boo I'll talk to you later," Malaysia said before they hung up the phone.

'I should of told her, I just wish she could be here,' Malaysia thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

Kali's trip to see Shy was pretty good. She didn't really speak much while they were in the hospital, it killed her to see Shy like that. Jay-Jay was also pretty quiet, she mostly sat there and every few moments a tear would roll down her face.
"Bruh she gone pull through, Shy to strong not to," Eric said rubbing Jay-Jay on her back.
They sat in the hospital room watching Shy for about two hours straight. They would whisper things to her and told her to be strong and come back when she is ready to wake up.
Before they decided to leave, the doctor came in to get Jay-Jay and Kali to give them the pretty good news about her being transported. Once they got the news, everyone went home to relax.

For the rest of that day everything was pretty normal for Kali, she slept and text Malaysia in between naps. Her and Jay-Jay sat around the house and smoked. They even occasionally took a shot of the bottle of Ciroc they had in the refrigerator.

On the other hand, Malaysia's day was everything but normal. She was now soaking in a warm bath, to relieve the pain and tension her body was now full of. She texted Arianna and told her to come over as soon as possibly. Arianna agreed and told her she would be over after her final photo shoot.
For the next hour Malaysia soaked in the tub and sat in deep thought. Her thoughts were interrupted when her bestfriend Arianna, burst through the bathroom door.

"Bitch you didn't hear me knocking? Shit I had to dig all in my purse to find the damn key to get in here, hurry up and get your sexy ass out the tub," she said as she walked out the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, like usual.
Malaysia ignored her remarks and got out the tub; she dried off her body applied some Victoria Secret lotion all over, then threw on a pink Juicy Couture sweat suit.
When she walked into the kitchen Arianna immediately noticed the bruises on her, even though they were very light.

"Oh my god Asia, what happened, who did this," she exclaimed running up to Malaysia.
Malaysia broke down crying, "Tyree dumb ass busted in here and was asking for me to take her back, and I said no so she just started to beat me, and she said she was gunna kill me and Kali."
"Oh hell no," Arianna got her cellphone then dialed 911.
After about 20 minutes, the police showed up to the door and Arianna let them in.

"Ma'am was the attacker someone you knew," one of the police officers asked.
"Yes, she was my ex fiance," Malaysia said back.
"Okay ma'am whats her name, and do you know of her last address,"
"Her name is Tyree Anderson, and yes her address is 1874 West Arlington drive, thats her current address, I use to stay there," Malaysia said back while holding her head down.
"Okay, we have to take pictures of the bruises on your face, do you have any others that aren't visible to us at this moment," the cop questioned.
"Yes," Malaysia felt ashamed when she unzipped her jacket, and revealed a huge purple bruise on her side.
The cops took the pictures, then handed her a copy of the police report then quickly left once she refused medical treatment.

"Baby girl, why didn't you cut that bitch," Arianna said as she closed the door behind the cops.
"It happened so fast, I was pinned down to the ground before I even knew what was happening," Malaysia began to say, "But I know it won't happen again, come on lets go you can leave your car here."

Malaysia rushed to her room, she put on some mascara then some lipstick and grabbed her phone and purse. They went to Malaysia's car and drove off. After about a 30 minute drive, they arrived at a gun store.

"A gun Malaysia," Arianna questioned.
"Yes, I'm not dealing with this shit again, if she coming back or what ever, I need to be prepared, and a gun will make me feel safe."
"Shit okay, maybe I will get me another one to, lets go."
When they walked into the door, a cute stud greeted them and asked what they were looking for.
"I need something small and easy to handle," Malaysia explained.
The stud showed them to a section where they kept small hand guns, suitable for women. Both Malaysia and Arianna settled for a .32 caliber handgun. After they picked their guns, they had to sit through a safety class and had to be cleared through the system before they could fully purchase the gun. They even got a chance to shoot it, in the stores shooting range.

Once they finished with all of that, it was late that night, and Arianna decided to sleep at Malaysia's and just go home in the morning.
Right when they got home, Kali text her.
"Hey baby girl, I hope you not sleep,"
"No I'm not boo, whats up?"
"Shit, just laying here high as fuck and thought of you,"
Malaysia smiled as she read the text and got in the bed.
"Your high ass, smoking without me I see,"
"Not even like that baby girl, I got you when I get back," Kali replied.
"Ok you better, but boo I'm sleepy, you gunna call so I can hear your voice?"
As soon she sent that text, she began to receive a call from Kali.
She answered the phone sleepily, "Hello,"
"Wake your ass up baby girl," Kali's voice came over the receiver.
"I'm up, just sleepy baby so you gotta stay on the phone so the bed bugs won't get me," Malaysia said with a flirtatious voice.
"Well I will stay on the phone, and tomorrow I will be there to hold you."
Malaysia's eyes widened when she heard what Kali said, "Oh my god, your coming back tomorrow?"
Kali began to laugh a little, "Yes baby girl, they said they can transport Shy tomorrow, so we going to do it then I'll be able to go back to work and be with you."
Malaysia was so happy she couldn't help but smile, but her smile was quickly ruined when she remembered the bruise on her face and side. She then remembered, a little make up can cover anything.
"I'm so happy boo, I can't wait to see you and Jay-Jay and Shy,"
"Yeah yeah, I always knew you secretly liked them more than you liked me," Kali said laughing.
"Don't go there Kalia, I seen you checking out Arianna once or twice," Malaysia said back.
For the rest of the night they joked until Malaysia finally fell asleep, and hearing her softly snore, Kali did the same.

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