Chapter 13

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While Malaysia sat in court, all she could think to herself was, 'Who in the hell is Jacky, shit I ain't Kali girl but she didn't have to say no other bitch name to me if she hoe'n out there.'

'But what if I'm over-reacting and it's like one of her family members or something, fuck I hate being left in the dark about shit.'

These same thoughts rang through her mind as she finally went back inside the courtroom. When the verdict for her case was finally ready, she was pleased to hear it.

"We find the defendant guilty of all charges," one of the jury members read.

'Yes! Got my big case in the bag,' Malaysia thought to herself. She knew that since she got a good verdict on this huge case, she would be receiving a major bonus on her next check. After signing the paper work, Malaysia quickly left the court house and went straight to her apartment. When she got there she instantly fell asleep.

Thousands of miles away, Kali was gearing up for the night, all her old crew was there. Everyone was drinking and smoking.

"Shit, where that bitch at Kal, its getting late, I'm ready for this shit to pop off," Don said. She was the crazy one out of everyone, she didn't really give a fuck about shit and was always down to handle some business.

Her and Kali use to have a crush on each other back in the 6th grade until they both decided to be studs in the 8th grade.

"Just chill, Jacky good on her word, she going to text soon," Jay-Jay said assuring Don everything is cool.

"Yeah, she good," Kali restated.

When Kali looked back at her phone to check the time it was 11:15 PM. Not to long after that, she received a text from Jacky.

"Hey boo, we about to head to his spot now, of course Nani small ass is drunk as fuck, so give me time to get her together when we get there then Imma send you the address, all I know now is he stays in the urban suburbs on the east side of town, so you know it takes awhile to get there so leave your crib in about 20 minutes."

"Good lookin," Kali text back.

"She just text yall, she said she headed there now, Nani got drunk so she gotta get her together when they get there. She say he stay on the east side in the urban suburbs, so we gunna leave here in a lil and just go post up somewhere near there until we get the exact address," Kali said to everyone as they began to grab ammo, guns, and bullet proof vests.

"Iight yall, no fuck shit we do this the right way, any of them niggas look stupid or try something blast them, Johnny and Chico yall know what to do, hit up stairs and down stairs and search for the money and drugs," Shy said to them two.

Kali picked up a box of gloves and handed them to everyone, "we don't touch shit, and if we do, wipe it off, even if you got the gloves on. But I guess that will all be solved when we scrub down the house."

They all got in their cars and drove over to the east side of town. When they got there, they sat in an empty parking lot of an old grocery store.

Kali's phone began to ring as they sat blasting their music.

"Hey, the address is 1718 Norfolk parkway, you will see a black BMW in the driveway thats his car, its seven people and some nigga was already here. They all pretty drunk and high so they just chilling, we about to leave here now. Bye I have to go I don't want them to hear me on the phone," Jacky answered the phone and just said everything she had to before hanging up.

Kali wrote down the address fast and said,"alrite, bye."

She then turned off her music and yelled to the other car, "We got the address, so follow me, imma GPS it."

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