Chapter 18

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Malaysia woke up in Arianna's bed, late that afternoon.

Her bestfriend was no where in sight, so she got up and threw back on her pajamas. She walked down the hall and headed to the living room.

There she found Kaylen holding Arianna as she cried softly.

"Whats... What's wrong with Ari," Malaysia screeched as she rushed towards her and sat down on the opposite side of Kaylen. Arianna handed her her phone and Malaysia stared at her with a confused expression.

When she unlocked her bestfriends phone, she seen an instagram post made by Jay-Jay. She instantly noticed Kali in the picture, 'damn, she's still as sexy as I remember her,' she thought to herself. Then snapped out of it, because she was still unaware of why Arianna was crying over a picture. She decided to read it's caption.

"This is the last picture I took with my sister last night at the club, fuck niggas think a bullet can kill us but its impossible to kill a god themselves, I am my sister's keeper, and anyone I think is involved is already dead in my eyes."

Malaysia sat there with a puzzled look on her face, "Wait Shy is dead," she questioned Arianna, who began to cry even more.

A sharp pain shot through Malaysia's body, she never took death well. Especially if she knew the person. She jumped up from the couch and ran to get her phone off of Arianna's dresser in her room, then dialed Kali's number.

The phone rang for awhile, and right when Malaysia was about to hang up, Kali answered.

"Whats up baby girl," Kali answered, with pain in her voice.

"Oh my god I'm so happy you answered, are you okay? Is everything okay," Malaysia instantly began to question.

"I'm fine, and what are you talking about," Kali didn't want to just come out and say no.

"We seen Jay-Jay's instagram post," she paused before she began to speak again, "is Shy okay?"

It became silent on the phone and Kali took a deep breath.

"She was shot last night by some enemies of ours, th-they shot her near her heart, but she's good," Kali grew quiet again, "but all we can do right now is pray she pulls through."

Malaysia's eye sight became blurry, once her tears flowed.

"Pull through what,"

"Right now she's not breathing on her own, they have her on life support, but they said she responsive to certain things."

Malaysia could hear the pain in Kali's voice, which made her break down even more.

"Shy is a strong person, she will make it through this, she has to," Malaysia pleaded before her voice began to crack.

"Don't cry baby girl Shy's strong she got this," Kali tried to lighten the mood, since this is the first time she talked to Malaysia in awhile, "what have you been up to?"

She sniffed a little, then wiped her eyes, "I just been working and spending time with Arianna and Kaylen since he's back from tour."

"The gay dude you told me about,"

"Yes, he's back, what have you been up to?"

"Just trying to handle this business here at home,"

The phone fell silent again.

Malaysia was going to hate herself for what she was about to say but she needed to get the thought off her head, "who is Jacky, Kal?"

Kali looked at the phone confused, then smiled.

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