Chapter 23

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Arianna stood at the door in surprise, not knowing what to do she quietly signaled for Malaysia to come to the door.

"Bitch I thought her ass was in jail, what the hell she doing here," Arianna said looking at Malaysia.

Malaysia's face looked flushed, her heart was beating fast and she was unsure as to how Tyree got out of jail so soon. She reached into her brief case grabbed her gun and went back towards the door.

"What the fuck do you want Tyree," she spat through the door.

"I just want to talk baby, I'm sorry for what I did I just don't want you cheating on me," Tyree said through the door.
"I know I deserve it, but I'm just ready for us to continue our lives together you know, and leave all the bullshit alone," she added.

"What is wrong with you Tyree, you think I'm honestly going to do this with you! We are done! Stay away from my door and stay out of my life!"

Malaysia and Arianna took turns peeping through the peep hole as Malaysia yelled her thoughts to Tyree. After her last statement Malaysia watched Tyree stand at the door and ball up her fists. Without any warning she began to punch the door.
"I'm going to kill you Malaysia, if it's the last thing I do! You and that bitch are going to die!"

The loud bangs made Arianna and Malaysia jump back from the door, they looked scared for their lives. Sensing something was going to happen, Malaysia loaded one into the chamber of her gun and waited for the door to bust down. It never did.
The banging stopped, and Arianna went to look out the peep hole to see if Tyree was still there. The hall way was empty, Tyree was nowhere to be seen.

"She's gone Asia," Arianna said running to her bestfriend, who was now sitting on the couch crying.

"How the fuck did she get out of jail so fast Ari, like I don't understand why she just won't leave me alone!"
"She has a whole family with another bitch, why won't she just let me live my life," Malaysia sobbed.

At a lost for words, Arianna just held her friend and let her cry and get her emotions out. Not knowing that in the hallway, Tyree, Kali, and Jay-Jay will finally meet for the first time.

Tyree walked down Malaysia's hallway leading to the front door of the building, she was holding her head down until she heard Kali and Jay-Jay talking. She lifted up her head and when she noticed who the two studs were, she instantly threw a look to kill on her face, and mugged the two.

"Bruh you got a issue," Kali said to Tyree.

Tyree stopped walking and stood there staring at the two studs. The hallway fell silent. Growing irritated Jay-Jay broke the silence.

"What the fuck is your problem bruh, you slow? Press your issue or keep it moving," she stated, while lifting the side of her shirt to reveal her gun.

Tyree smiled, lifted her hand and made a gun with it, and pretended to shoot the two studs. She then quietly walked out the apartment building.

"What the hell was that about," Jay-Jay sat there confused as to what just happened.
"Man I don't know, niggas is weird now a days," Kali said as they continued to walk to Malaysia's apartment.

When they arrived, they knocked on the door and it startled the two girls. Malaysia was still crying, so Arianna picked up the gun and walked over to the door. When she peeped out the hole, she seen Jay-Jay and Kali and instantly felt at ease. She opened up the door and rushed to hug Jay-Jay.

"I'm happy to see you to damn," Jay-Jay said jokingly, until she noticed Malaysia crying on the couch and the look of fear in Arianna's eyes.

Kali rushed over to her on the couch. "Whats wrong baby girl why you crying," Kali's face grew concerned.

"What happened y'all, and why y'all got a gun," Jay-Jay began to question.

Malaysia didn't say anything, she just pulled Kali closer to her and began to calm down. Kali made her feel safe, she made her feel like Tyree crazy ass didn't exist.

Not knowing what to do she sat there and held Malaysia until she was ready to talk. Jay-Jay sat with Arianna on the opposite couch and waited for the two fems to began talking.

"I just don't know what to do, my ex is crazy and she's starting to make it known now that she doesn't have good sense," Malaysia began to mouth off between lengthy breaths.

"What do you mean," Kali asked back sensing herself becoming angry.
Malaysia just began to cry again.

"Her ex is this stud named Tyree, they were engaged and she fucked Malaysia over, she had a baby with another woman and constantly cheated on her," Arianna began to talk for her bestfriend.

"A few days ago, Tyree came over here and bussed through the door and beat Malaysia for talking to you Kali, we called the police and she went to jail but we don't know how she got out so fast! She just left, she was at the door telling her how she was going to kill her and you!" Arianna finished saying as tears fell from her eyes.

The two studs looked up at each other. Putting two and two together they figured out that Tyree was the stud they passed in the hallway.

"What the fuck, look baby girl you don't have to worry about no one as long as I'm around, there's no one in the world that should scare you while I'm here, I got you," Kali said while putting her arms around Malaysia and pulling her closer.

"She didn't touch you did she?" Jay-Jay asked Arianna.

She shook her head no.

Kali and Jay-Jay locked eyes and knew they had to handle Tyree. Without saying a word they knew it was something they had to do.

"Damn man," Kali began to say; "look yall pick a movie, I'm about to take her back in the room real quick."

Jay-Jay nodded her head.

Kali walked with Malaysia back to her room, and they sat down on the bed.

She took a deep breath and began to talk to Malaysia.

"Is that what the bruise is from on your side baby girl?"

Not wanting to answer, Malaysia just sat there and shook her head yes.
"Damn, you should of told me Malaysia, we not together I know but damn, you know imma look out for you,"
"I'm going to handle her for you, you don't have to worry about her no more after tonight, okay?" Kali said looking into Malaysia's eyes.

For some reason Malaysia knew that Kali meant what she was saying, and knew that she would protect her. She agreed and they kissed and embraced each other.
Once their lips unlocked, Malaysia stared into Kali's eyes and said, "Thank you."

Kali just kissed Malaysia on the forehead, grabbed her hand and led her back to the front to start their movie night.

Jay-Jay and Arianna were waiting for the two on the couch, they already had the movie on pause, and were already eating.

"Damn y'all just start eating without us," Kali said jokingly as she grabbed some food for her and Malaysia.

They laid up on the couch and began to eat and watch the movie.

As Kali was watching it and holding Malaysia, in the back of her mind she was thinking of how scared she looked. She knew she had to knock off Tyree, but she was debating on how she wanted to do it.

Malaysia and her weren't together, but she knew she was going to make her all hers soon, so she couldn't have no crazy ex ruining shit. She composed a plan, then let her thoughts drift away as everyone else fell asleep slowly.

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