Chapter 8

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Malaysia answered the phone without saying hello.

"Hey baby girl, you okay?" Kali said not understanding why she answered and didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I mean yeah I'm fine, whats up?" Malaysia asked.

"Nothing, I was just calling to see if you got my gift at your door? I knocked but I didn't get an answer so I figured you wasn't there."

"No I haven't been home yet, after work I drove to the view, but I'm probably going to go home in a minute, I just came up here to think."

"Well do you mind if I come up there to see you, I'm gunna be going out of town for a few days so I would like to spend the rest of the night with you and tomorrow?" Kali asked, secretly hoping she would say yes.

"Yes, I'd love that, where you at now?"

"I'm on Lake Mead and Hollywood, like fifteen minutes away from the view."

"Okay, I'll be waiting," Malaysia replied in a flirtatious voice before hanging up.

She quickly tried to push the thoughts of Tyree out of her mind, then went inside her car to check her make up out. She also put on some more lipstick because it was fading and took off her blazer so her perky boobs would be exposed.

About twenty minutes passed and Kali's Range Rover pulled up and she jumped out and looked happy to see Malaysia.

"Hey baby girl," she said while opening up her arms for Malaysia.

Malaysia hopped in her arms and said "Hey baby girl,"mocking her.

"That was gay as shit," Kali replied laughing as their hug broke away.

Malaysia just laughed and stared at Kali, who was looking sexy as usual. "Well why you going out of town love?"

"Just some shit happening back in my home town I have to go see about," Kali said seeming to choose her words carefully.

"I understand, hopefully everything is okay, but come on I had a long day let's go back to my place?" Malaysia asked back.

"I'm following you baby girl," Kali said as she went back to her car. Malaysia did the same and they proceeded to head back to her house.

'God I hope she try too touch tonight,' Malaysia thought to herself as she drove up the highway.

Meanwhile, Kali was having a full argument with her self in her car about doing the opposite.

'Damn she was looking bad as fuck tonight, but I can't, I can't touch her I don't want to hurt her! Remember slow and steady Kali, ' she reminded herself.

Kali got her emotions and hormones together as they parked their cars.

Once parked, she pulled out a backpack from her back seat then walked hand in hand with Malaysia to her apartment.
She was shocked and confused to see that her flowers and card were not at the door.
"Where the hell is my shit?" Kali exclaimed.
"What are you talking about love?" Malaysia asked
"Earlier while I was on my route I put a bouquet of roses and a card out here," Kali shook her head in disappointment, "Who could of taken it," she asked.
Malaysia sat there in shock and didn't know what to do or say.
"Thank you, that was so sweet, but I'm not sure who would of taken in, my neighbors are a old couple and mostly everyone on this floor and hall are old and rarely here," Malaysia said trying to figure out herself who would of taken the flowers, "I'm sure they were beautiful and I'm happy you thought about me and bought me some flowers."
Kali stood in the walk way of the door after Malaysia opened it and was still in shock that someone took the flowers. She then went into Malaysia's living room area and got comfortable. Malaysia proceeded to walk to her room.
"Oh and by the way Kali, I'm not really a flower girl, so next time a card is fine, but thanks for being thoughtful," Malaysia said with a flirtatious voice once again.

Twenty minutes went by as Kali sat in the living room thinking about the flowers and the mess she had to clean up when she got home. Malaysia finally walked into the living room wearing a large tee shirt, spandex shorts, and no make-up.
"Shit, I didn't know I could get comfortable," Kali said out loud as she said, 'Damn she sexier without the make-up,' to herself.
"Um, did you not say you wanted to spend the rest of the night and tomorrow together?" Malaysia said giving her a sexy smile as she walked back to her room, inviting Kali to follow. Sensing the vibe, Kali followed her to her room, got comfortable in some basketball shorts and a shirt, then laid in the bed with Malaysia's head on her chest.
"I have to go to court tomorrow morning, so do you want to stay here till I get out or do you want me to wake you up?" Malaysia asked.
"Court? What you got court for baby girl?" Kali asked in confusion.
"I never told you I'm a lawyer?"
Kali's heart began to race, "Umm no you didn't."
"Well I'm a lawyer for a firm that handles high profile cases in the city," Malaysia replied, sensing that Kali was feeling uneasy, "is that a problem?"
"No baby girl," Kali quickly had to think of a lie "Umm its just that one of my aunts was a lawyer and she passed, thats all."
Malaysia grabbed Kali's hand and squeezed it, "Its okay love, I'm sorry to hear that though."
"Its okay baby girl, now get some rest, what time you have to be up?"
"I have to be at the office by 9:15, but I need to wake up at like 7:30," Malaysia replied as she closed her eyes and pulled Kali closer to her.
Kali sat her alarm and then attempted to fall asleep with Malaysia.

While she was trying to go to sleep, she began to think a lot about her past. Kali began to recall all of the stuff she went through at home and why she moved to a new city in the first place.
Back home, Kali and her cousins were major drug dealers and were well known around town. She was shot during a bad deal outside the city and people wanted her head for being to flashy, so she moved out the city.
Kali was dreading going home, but for the sake of her business and her money flow, she knew she had to make that trip.

She finally drifted to sleep.

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