Chapter 15

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For the next few days, Malaysia was off from work. Well, not exactly, since she nailed her last case, she had no major cases to handle. She mostly just had to assist in paper work for Mr. Bates and other lawyers in the firm. All of which she could do from home, and just drop off in the office when completed.
She spent most of her time with Kaylen and Arianna. They were making up for the five months they didn't get to spend time together. They didn't really do anything special, just the usual things bestfriends do. Shopping, partying, drinking, smoking, going to the movies, and they even went to the fair. Malaysia was having so much fun she never even text Kali back or got in contact with her at all. Arianna didn't even get in contact with Shy or Jay-Jay.
Kali texted her for the first two days in the morning, but when she never responded back, she slowly stopped texting.

"Bruh I haven't talked to Malaysia in damn near a week," Kali said to Shy and Jay-Jay as they sat in the living room that morning.
"Shit neither one of us have heard from Arianna," Shy said looking at Kali confused.
"I mean, I don't care but I just don't like when people ignore me, shit at least tell me your done talking to me cuz I left,"
"Kal you don't have to lie, just like we don't have to, them girls are something special, they got our asses thinking about them and we been gone for awhile," Jay-Jay budded in.
"Yeah, bruh you notice we didn't even have any bitches over here since we been back, like I can't stop thinking about her, when we not putting in work, I'm literally sitting here like a lil bitch waiting for her to call or text and she hasn't," Kali began to say, "Shit fuck it I don't care, I haven't even known her long, so fuck it. Needa get my car and shit though."
"You don't mean that shit nigga, but whatever, we need to go out tonight, have some fucking fun, we been on nothing but business since we been back," Shy began to say before switching her train of thought, "Oh and Jay get online and buy those tickets for us to go back next week, everything should be good by then and we can get back to our shit there."
Jay-Jay nodded her head and went to the back room, where they had a computer.
Kali just sat there thinking about Malaysia, how beautiful she was when she laughed, how her smile was so contagious, how her perfect body fit great in her arms, and how that sweet pussy taste the first time she got it. From that moment on she knew, she didn't give a fuck if Malaysia had found someone new since she'd been gone, she was going to make her her girl as soon as she got back. But until then she was going to have some fun.
"Nigga, we gotta get out, tell everyone tonight we going out on me, meet up at the spot," Kali sent that text to her crew. Instantly she began to get texts back saying everyone was down.
For the rest of that day, they mostly stayed in the house and smoked. When searching for something to wear out, Jay-Jay realized she wanted to look extra sexy so she could pull a baddie tonight.
"Even though I know I could look my worse and still pull a bad bitch, I need to go shopping for a new fit," Jay-Jay said as she hit the blunt.
"You ain't have to say all the extra shit bruh, just say you wanted to go shopping," Shy looked at her and they all started laughing.
"Yall a fucking fool bruh, but I'm down lets hit the new outlets they built downtown, I heard they got some good designer stores out there," Kali replied back still laughing.
They all agreed and went their separate ways in the house to start getting dressed. Although they were studs, they spent the same amount of time getting ready that a femme did. All three of them were conceited and had a policy when going out, "even if its just something casual, stunt on a bitch no matter what." That meant even if they're just wearing basketball shorts and a shirt, they gotta look better than any other bitch or nigga wearing the same fit.
They left in their rental car, and headed to the outlets. They shopped for about two hours, and all bought a new pair of Jordan's, a new shirt, levi's, and a new snap back; except Kali, she decided no hat for the night.
After shopping and since they were in the area, they decided to go visit their family. Kali wasn't to excited about seeing her mom and knew she would feel the same, so they decided to go see her last. The first stop would be Jay-Jay and Shy's mom's house. When they pulled up, everyone was outside and their uncle was cooking. As they parked and walked up the stairs to the yard, everyone was happy to see the three. They were greeted by hugs, kisses, smiles and laughs.
As soon as Jay-Jay and Shy's mom seen the three, she gave them all the biggest hugs ever. "I missed yall so much, how long are yall in town for,"
"Mama we missed you to, we here until next week so you know we gone be over her annoying you and having you cook for us," Jay-Jay said smiling.
"Well yall know yall my babies, and I have to treat you right while I have you here so what you want me to cook for tonight," their mama said as she sat back down on the couch.
"Tonight we going out mama Levell, but tomorrow morning, I know all I want is some Macaroni," Kali said as she laughed and rubbed her stomach.
"Nigga really, macaroni for breakfast," Shy said looking at Kali in disguist.
"Well I'll make you a personal pan I know you like my macaroni, I'll just make a good breakfast. Yall be careful going out tonight, they had on the news this morning that some guys went missing and they think its gang or drug related," Mama L looked concerned.
Kali, Jay-Jay and Shy looked at each other and quickly shook off the thoughts. "Now you know we can handle ourselves mama, we gone be back in the morning though," Shy said as she kissed her mama on the forehead and walked out the door; they did the same and followed her.
On their way out they said goodbye to their family in the yard, and headed to Kali's mom house.
"I'm not looking forward to this shit," Jay-Jay said as they began the drive to her house.
"Me either shit, I wish my moms was like yalls, they sisters, but they seem like they from two different planets," Kali said as she laughed nervously.
The drive from their mom's house to Kali's seemed to be long and scary. When they pulled up, the house seemed uninviting and empty, but they knew someone was there because the truck Kali bought was in the driveway. They got out the car and walked up to the door, when she knocked her dad peak out the side window and rushed to open the door. Unlike Jay-Jay and Shy, Kali had both of her parents in her life, her dad loved and adored her, but on the other hand, her mom had a deep hatred for her and gays.
"Hey baby girl," Kali's dad said as he opened the door and hugged her.
"Hey dad, how you doing old man," Kali jokingly said back as she hugged him.
"I'm good and nigga I ain't old," he said laughing back, "hey yall, how yall been," he said as he hugged Jay-Jay and Shy.
"We've been good unc," they both said back in harmony.
"When yall get here and what yall doing here," Kali's dad asked as he went into the living room to sit down.
Kali and her cousins followed, "We been here for a little over a week, but you know we just came to handle some business."
Kali's dad use to be a big time drug dealer in the early 80's through the 90's; and once he found out Kali's mom was pregnant he left the game alone and began to fix his life. When Kali got older and he found out the shit she was in, he decided that if she was anything like him, being told that she couldn't do it would only make her do it more; so he decided to teach her everything he knew. Thats how she learned the sneaky ways of niggas and bitches.
"I know what thats like, well how you like it out there in that big ass city? And hows business," her dad asked.
"Its good, the little post office job is good, its lowkey, and we get a lot of business done through it," Shy said.
"Yeah, we been pushing weight through it, everything running smooth, and we don't really wanna start no business up down there though, just gunna keep it lowkey mostly cuz we pull in bank from here and in other cities," Jay-Jay added at the end. Mostly, they made their money from their hometown, but they also made money from other small cities. They were suppliers and sometimes the middle man, so they always got a cut somehow.
"Shit, I feel it just stay smart about your dirt, remember what I taught you well," he said directing his attention to Kali, "And I'm sure she taught yall what I taught her so yall gone be alright. Your mom getting up I think, let me go tell her yall here."
Kali's face instantly began to turn red, 'shit I was hoping she wasn't here or something,' she thought to herself.
About five minutes past before Kali's mom walked into the living room, she barely acknowledge the three girls and just sat on the far couch.
"Hey mama," Kali got up and went to give her mom a hug and a kiss. She twisted her face and Kali's kiss landed near her ear.
"Don't start acting like that Mel, that's our daughter," Kali's dad said out of anger. He hated the way she acted towards their daughter and couldn't for the life of him understand why she didn't act like a mother.
Shy and Jay-Jay then got up to go give her a hug and say hey, she twisted her face at them and hugged them like they had the worse contagious disease ever.
When they sat back down the room fell silent, Kali's mom didn't say anything, she just sat there and her dad grew angrier as time flew by.
"You know what fuck it Kalia, you don't have to say shit to her if she doesn't want to talk to you, thats your mom and I know you love her, but there is nothing you can do if she wants to act like that," her dad then directed his attention to her mom, "She's gay Mel and has been for years! She's been dressing like this for years, you should of been got over that shit! Its just an adjustment you had to make and you chose not to, I wouldn't blame you for not talking to her Kalia," her dad said as he got up to put on his shoes and walked out the door. Before they could even say anything they heard the truck start and speed off.
All Kali could do was sit there as tears began to form in her eyes. "Bye Kalia," her mom said as she got up and went back into the master bedroom. The tears began to flow more. Jay-Jay and Shy sat there in disbelief and went over to hug Kali.
"Come on bruh, lets just leave, you good wipe your eyes," Shy said as she helped Kali off the couch.
Kali was heart broken but she knew her mom would act like this, she had been for years, so she didn't know exactly why she was so hurt now. She gathered herself and they headed to the car.
"Here I will drive," Jay-Jay said taking the keys from Kali and getting into the driver seat.
As they drove the car was silent, until Kali broke it.
"Bruh, I don't even want to remember this shit, I wanna turn up with yall tonight, then head to Mama Levelle house for breakfast tomorrow morning."
Shy and Jay-Jay just smiled. "Thats the Kali I know, fuck all the negative shit, your mom will come around eventually," Jay-Jay said.
"Naw I don't think so, but you know what today let me know that I can't force her, and as long as I got my dad and yall, I'm continent," Kali said sounding a little happier.
Shy turned up the music and they turned up the whole way back to the spot.
It was now night time and they began to get ready to hit the club; as some of the crew began to show up to the house.
While they got ready, everyone started rolling blunts and passing them around, so by the time they left, everyone was high as a kite.
No one had a care in the world, it was just like the old days, they were happy and untouchable. So atleast they thought.

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