leather book 2.0

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Next extinction

Such a sad thing
But a harsh reality
The civil war
World  war 1
World war 2
And without a doubt
World war 3
And all the other wars in between
Humans will end up killing each other
And if death does not come by
then surely nature will end us all
We are our destruction
We are our extinction
We are done for
Sooner or later we will all end


Never ending cycle

Drowning in madness and sadness
Sinking lower and lower in water
My chest tight and cold
Almost like it might explode
A form of rage or teenage sadness
You dont need a reason to be be like this
It's just what it is
Sometimes I feel like this
Like I'm doing everything wrong
Im feel sad for no reason
I feel tired and empty
Stereotypical teenage depression they say
But it's not and they dont understand
It goes away after awhile
It always does
But lately it's been lasting longer
Sometimes it feels like it wont ever go away
But it does
It goes away
Then it comes back
It always does


Old soul

Dusty chalkboards
Notebooks flipping
Hard plastic chairs squeaking
The never ending lectures
Useless facts filling my head
Replacing precious memories
My hand cramps
My back stings
My neck cracks
My grades lower
Just like my expectations
I grow tired
I want to sleep forever
I'm only 16 but my bones say otherwise
What am I doing here
I just want to sleep
Im so tired


Colors greyed out

As a child
Everything is so bright
The sun always shining 
The sky always blue
Even the rain was light
So what happened?
When did everything get so dull?
When did life become so lifeless?
Even the brightest days now are so dark
Children's laughter has faded into white noise
Bright colores have been smeared Into blacks and greys
And life is now a faded photograph


Plain walls and blank noise

My house is a blank slate
Had been for the past 9 months
No pictures
No color
Just four white walls and the sound of my thoughts
Shadows in every corner
I get lost in here for days
In the white
In the silence
Itdrives me mad
I hate the color white
I hate the silence
I hate these four walls

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