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My heart is fragile
It hurts for people
Sometimes i can see it
Im some where
I don't know where
Everything is Blurry and foggy
I can't hear
I can't move
I can't breath
I feel as if im drowning
Like im underwater
Like im just another insignificant fish in the sea

The sea is big and blue
It's salty and cold
I feel like im trapped in a pool of tears
These tears don't belong to me though
They belong to my friends
My family
Complete strangers even

These tears belong to women who can't leave there significant other because women are nothing without a man right?

These tears belong to fathers who can't support there family's because fathers have to work all the time right?

These tears belong to girls who just can't seem to fit in anywhere they go because girls have to be pretty right?

These tears belong to boys who can only cry in dark because boys can't cry right?

These tears belong to the closeted kids who are slowly dying because being something different is bad right?

These tears belong to the males who say absolutely nothing because it only happens to women right?

All these people believe they have to fit into society by playing there part but they don't

Women are powerful without men

they are beautiful

Men can be a stay home dad
They don't always have to be strong

They are beautiful

Girls don't have to be popular or pretty
They should be themselves

They are beautiful

Boys don't have to hide there feelings they should be able to cry and feel

They are beautiful

LGBT+ kids are amazing and they shouldn't have to hide

They are beautiful

And men shouldn't feel ashamed for something that happened to them because it could happen to anyone

They are brave and they are very beautiful

all these people have survived
They are all extraordinary
They are all beautiful

And as we all join together
We help each other get through this
The ocean im drowning in is suddenly light
I can breath again
My once dark ocean
Is big
And beautiful

poems i can't tell my therapist aboutWhere stories live. Discover now