i t c h y

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Sometimes my skin feels itchy
Like i wanna peel off my skin kinda itchy

My body feels heavy
Like im weighted down by invisible hands

Hands that are skimming over my skin like bugs and dirt

I wanna tear my skin open and scratch and scratch and scratch until theres nothing but brittle bones and blotched veins

I wonder what it would feel like

It would hurt of course

But what kind of hurt would it be

Would it sting like sanitizing a cut

Would it burn like burning skin

Or would it feel like wind and metal

My body feels lile a flesh prison

i want nothing more than to rip my skin open and become the milky way

To become consumed by the universe and drowned in atoms and reality

To forget who i am

To forget that im trapped

To forget what happened

To forget to feel

To forget that im itchy

poems i can't tell my therapist aboutWhere stories live. Discover now