sharp tenderness

38 2 0

Shut up

I hate those two words the most
Everytime i open my mouth
Your quick to shut me down

Shut up

I haven't said a single word
But just by looking at your eyes
I already know what your going to say

We get into fights
About how you cant see things my way
And when i make point
You refuse to say sorry

Shut up

I want you to shut up when you talk about how much of a disappointed i am right in front of my face

At least have the decency to do it behind my back

I don't think you quite understand how hard it is to hold back your tears while eating and trying not to choke

Either on your food or on your tears

Shut up

I just wish these voices in my head would shut up already

They go on and on and on

Shut up

You never seem to know when to quit

Sometimes i blame you for why im like this

Why everytime someone yells i flinch because i know words hurt more then stones and broken bones

Why even explain myself?

Why everytime i fail at something i can already hear you telling me how much of a screw up i am

Why even try?

Why everytime im happy you some how ruin it

Why even smile?

Why ever time i try and tell you something im always ignored?

Why even talk?

I just wish my head would shut up

I thought putting hands around my own neck to shut myself up would be hard

Turns out its the easiest thing I've ever done

Shut up

You wonder why I've stopped talking to you

I wonder why also

Shut up

I don't tell you these things because when i do you didn't even blink an eye

Shut up

Shut up

Shut up

You say it so much that if i close my eyes i can convince myself your actually saying

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

I love you

You must love me so much

poems i can't tell my therapist aboutWhere stories live. Discover now