Dark Side 32

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Lea's POV:

I looked at Aga disapprovingly as I try to apply ointment on his lips.  There was a small cut on it and another near his eyebrow.  He was acting like a baby, being sensitive over a simple touch when he wouldn't even bother to tell me what happened.

When Aga didn't answer my calls, which he never do, I decided to check on him at his apartment after my shift from work.  I felt relieved when I found him sleeping on his bed.  But when I looked closely and noticed a bandage on his hand with a smudge of red, I started to panic.  I woke him up and when he faced me, I saw the purple mark on his eye and cuts on his face.

I instantly knew it had something to do with Rob.  It has to be, since it was him who had been messing with Aga the other day.  I sighed and went to check on his drawer for any medication to help clean up the unattended bruises on his face.

"Is it your brother?  Did you two fight again?"  I demanded for explanation but all I got was a sheepish smile.  So I'm right!  But his seemingly lack of care bothers me.

"Enough with the guessing game Aga.  If it concerns me, I have the right to know."  I said, not hiding my distress.

"Don't stress yourself.  It's not about you and it's not important."  He denied.

"So you'll have yourself beaten for something unimportant?  Then it makes me upset that you care too little for yourself."  I said and he looked very guilty.

He sighed.  "Okay.  Rob said some things about you and I couldn't control myself so I punched him and from there, it went out of control."

"Aga—"  I paused and sighed.  "—his words don't matter to me.  You should have just ignored him."

"But Lea if I won't confront him now, when will he learn to stop?  I can't just let him talk bad about you.  He doesn't know you."  Aga said with a frown.

I could only sigh.  I knew Aga was just trying to defend me and as much as I was touched by it, I also felt guilty that he has to do that for me.  Rob knows me more than anybody, so maybe what he said was so true that it made Aga go mad.  I suddenly got scared to ask anymore.

Maybe Aga noticed that I was zoning out so he gently touched my cheeks and smiled saying,   "But you're here and it makes me happy that you're taking care of me.  I guess it's not bad after all."

I huffed and hit him lightly on the arm.

"Ouch!  That hurts."  He complained and I was alarmed, only to find out that he's just acting so he could get a kiss.  He looked cute though.  He made me forget what I was worried about.

I gladly kissed him on the cheeks but when he asked for another one on the lips, I applied the ointment a little harder to make him wince in pain. 

The next days were better.  Aga had to skip work for   the entire week to let his bruises heal fully.  I somehow wondered how many days it would take for Rob.  The only information Aga had shared was that Rob had it worse than him.  But not surprisingly, cared less and less.

I got a call from Aga Friday afternoon, asking me if I could drop by his place.  He told me he misses me a lot and that he was too bored at home since I asked him not to go anywhere and just rest.  I felt guilty that I've been too busy the entire week and I couldn't visit him like I promised to.  So as soon as my shift ended, I drove to Aga's place.

I found him on the living room browsing through the tv channels.  He looked really bored and didn't even notice that I already was standing by his door.

"I'm here!"  I announced which made him look so surprised.

"You said you'll be late."

"I just said that because I want to catch you unprepared and here you are, totally unprepared."  I said and sat beside him to cuddle.  "So, what are your plans tonight?"

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