Dark Side 25

407 17 3

Narrator POV:

Aga's hands were shaking as he hesitantly knocked on the wooden door.  When he received his mother's texts from earlier, he had a feeling that the news had reached her already.  She was constantly asking of his whereabouts which was very rare for her to do.  Though he thought there's nothing to worry about, he can't help but feel nervous.

"Come in."  He heard his mother say.

He turned the knob slowly and peeked inside.  He saw his mother sitting on the bed while reading a book.  He cautiously went in and stood far before her.

"Good evening, Ma."  He greeted.

His mother gently placed the book on the side table and looked up to face Aga.  Though she didn't return the greeting, Aga still marched towards her to kiss her on the cheeks.

"I bought something for you."  He handed her the gifts that he picked from the mall.

"Thank you."  She said uninterested before taking the bags from Aga.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about, Ma?"  He asked carefully.

"Are you sure that you don't know?"

Aga just kept quiet but it sends a clear affirmation of what his mother knew about.

"I texted you a few times and there's not even a single response from you.  I almost thought you wouldn't bother coming home."

"I was just busy earlier that's why I can't attend to my phone.  But of course I will always make time to visit you, Ma."

"Oh! so you're busy?"  His mother asked calmly but it was enough to send him shivers.

Wrong answer, Aga!  With his mom's expression, Aga instantly knew this would be a hard discussion.  He could only sigh deeply as he waited for his mother's outburst.

"You're too busy for your mom but you have time for someone else."  Her tone screams sarcasm.

"I was with Lea.  You know her."  He defended.

His mother huffed.  "Of course, I do.  How can I not know her?  You like that woman and that's exactly the issue here, Aga."

"How did it become an issue, Ma?"

"Your ninang told me that she saw you being extra friendly with her!  And to think that she's.."

His mother paused and seems hesitant to continue.

"..tell me Aga, are you the father?"

Aga was surprised.  He didn't think his mother would assume that way.  He thought he had explained the relationship to his ninang clearly.  But the observation made him realize why Lea seemed a bit distant.

"No."  He clarified.  "But I wanted to tell you some things about us."
Aga didn't know where to start explaining but since he also knew that keeping just anything from his mom would only lead to the worst, he told her his truth.

His mother walked back and forth as she tried to process the new information.  She was utterly stressed just about everything.

"What do you plan to do now?"

"I'll stay with Lea."  Aga said with certainty which made his mother stop and look at him. 

She looked displeased.

"What do you mean by that?  Don't tell me you like her too much that you're willing to take responsibility for her child?!"  His mother asked in disbelief.

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