Dark Side 31

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Lea's POV:

As soon as Aga disappeared from my view, the smile that I was putting on was quickly replaced by a thin line.  When I said yes to his invite, I thought I was ready.  I thought as long as he's with me I can manage not to be bothered by my past.  But my decision just made me realize that I'm not.

On my way to my bedroom, I came across the invitation that Aga gave me.  It had a picture of Rob with his family, and they were all smiling.  They looked happy just like how I had witnessed today.  I felt mad, it was as if the situation is mocking me.  I was too occupied by the though that I didn't realize I have crumpled the invitation.  I threw it on the floor and ran into my room with tears in my eyes.

I sat on my bed and turned on the lamp.  I tried to breathe and calm my heart but it didn't work.  I've been holding my emotions for too long and it was too heavy that I found myself crying uncontrollably.

No matter how I try not to be bothered, a huge part of me still can't bear to look at how happy Rob's life seems now.  His life was back to normal and he even got a family of his own.  While I?– I'm still trapped in the dark pit he put me into.


I screamed and threw the lamp on the wall that had me in total darkness.  It gave me the familiar feeling —it feels empty, and soon enough I couldn't feel anything.

Narrator's POV:

Aga was about to enter his car when he remembered that he had something to give to Lea.  He immediately went back and thought of surprising her so he went in her unit without ringing the doorbell.  But as soon as he was in, he heard her scream, followed by a smashing sound.

Aga ran towards the door but hesitated to twist the knob.  Lea was crying and he knew it was partly his fault, but he couldn't bring himself to comfort her.

Lea made him promise to let her be when her emotions are getting ahead of her.  Lea said she wanted time to cope up on her own.  She didn't want to be comforted when she's frustrated.  She just wants to be alone.  So, Aga just sat there, leaning on the door while listening to Lea's muffled sobs.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Aga no longer hears a sound.  He thought Lea must have fallen asleep already, so he stood up and gently open the door.

He found her on the floor with her head resting on the edge of the bed.  He walked towards her and scooted down.  He gently touched her cheeks and caressed it.

He sighed.  For a moment, Aga just stared at Lea.  Her eyes were swollen from crying.  He doesn't want to make her more upset but he couldn't make himself leave her.  Not at this state.

He gently scooped her and placed her on the bed.  He sat beside her, and held her hand as he watched her sleep.

Not long after he felt himself getting sleepy too.  He was about to take his nap when Lea stirred and started sobbing.

"Lea, wake up."  He called, worriedly tapping her cheeks.

Lea gasped and was surprised to see Aga in front of her with his worried face.

"What are you doing here?"  She asked and sat up.

Slightly glancing at the broken lamp on the floor, she realized he knew she broke down again.

"If you might ask, I was here since you threw that poor lamp."  Aga tried to sound funny but Lea was just looking at him with a frown.

"You shouldn't be here."  She sighed and looked away.

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