Dark Side 24

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"Yung sundo mo nasa baba na."  Dawn told me wearing her playful smile.

It's afternoon and Aga is supposed to be in the office working.

I shook my head and tried to sound annoyed as I replied to her.  "I told him not to pick me up." 

But truth is, I can't help but feel butterflies within me.  No matter how I convince myself, it's really hard not to fall for someone as kind and thoughtful as Aga.

"We'll, you can't stop him from doing so.  He really seem to care for you."  Dawn said and I couldn't agree more.

"Aga is just a friend."  I tried to sound convincing but I know I failed.

"Ah basta, I like him for you.  I'll be happier if it's Aga you'll end up with."  Dawn insisted.

I just looked at her with disapproval as I get my bag.

"I'm not saying this to put pressure on you.  But consider at least giving the guy a chance.  He seem to genuinely like you."

My sister's words kept on replaying on my head as Aga and I went our way to my apartment.

That's exactly what I'm doing.  I'm giving Aga a chance but I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing.  It's way too complicated but right now, it's only with him that I feel safe.

I noticed the car was at a stop and Aga was looking strangely at me.  When realization came to me, I heard him laugh a little.

"Nakakalahata na ako, Lea.  Kanina ka pa tingin ng tingin sa akin."

"Hindi kaya!  I was looking on the other side, not you.  Ang feeling mo!"  I tried to deny the accusation but he just snickered.  

"If you say so."

I looked ahead and tried not to glance at him again.  He might have seen through me so I should be extra careful.

"Lea, nga pala."  Aga called making me face him.  "Can we drop by the mall before we head to your place?  I need to collect something for my mom."

"Sure, no problem."  I answered, feeling happy that he always asks for permission.  It's very different from Rob who always do what he wants and assumes that I always would agree.

'Okay Lea, STOP right there.  There should be no more comparisons.'  I nagged in my head.  I really need to focus on controlling my thoughts.  Things that would remind me of Rob is the least I need for now.  How ironic!

When we got to the mall, I told Aga that I'll just wait for him in the car.  I don't really feel good about the idea of us being together in public.  But Aga, insisted that I go with him to which I ended up agreeing with.

We first went to a boutique where he picked-up the customized terno he ordered for his mom.  Then we proceed to the shoe store to search for a pair to match the terno.

I sat on the couch while Aga talks to the saleslady asking if they still had the design that he prefers.  I could only smile when he glanced at my direction.  Suddenly, he just looked so adorable in my eyes.  His parents raised him well for him to be such a doting son.

When the saleslady went to what I suppose is the stock room, Aga walked towards me holding a pair of sandals and slippers.

"Lea, could you try this one."

I looked at him questioningly.

"Just try it please.  I just wanted to see how it looks like when it's worn."  He said and I tried to removed mine signaling my agreement.

"Let me."  Aga dropped on his knees and removed my shoe replacing it with the sandals on his hand.  It made me a little uncomfortable but I tried not to make it obvious.

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