Dark Side 10

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"Let's have a drink?"

It took him couple of seconds before speaking again. Did I really say something wrong? I didn't actually believe Rob when he told me that his brother has a thing for me but should I believe him now?

"I don't drink Sir." I declined.

The last time I did my life changed drastically and I swore not to drink again. I can taste a little but it can't be considered as drinking.

"Edi samahan mo nalang ako."

He placed a hand over my shoulders and almost dragged me to the nearby bar. He ordered a bottle of wine before heading to the poolside.

"Sir, I think it's not allowed to drink here sa poolside. Delikado." I said and looked around. The place is closed and I feel like we are committing a crime.

"You won't drink diba? I trust that I'll be safe with you. Saka kung wala naman makakakita edi parang hindi nangyari diba?"

He sounded so thrilled at doing something prohibited. It was like his first time doing such a thing.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you. And wag mo ako papahirapan later pag nalasing ka." I nagged but I was already preparing myself for the worse.

He smiled coyly and started drinking. He was doing it too fast that I felt the need to stop him. He wasn't just drinking some water for Pete's sake!

"Sanay ako Lea. Wine lang yan!" He got the bottle from me and took another gulp.

"Bahala ka." I shrugged and let him.

"I feel so free!" He suddenly screamed and my first instinct was to cover his mouth. What if we get caught? He's not thinking!

He removed my hands and laid down on his back.

"Parang ayoko nang bumalik." He said sounding unhappy.

I watched him lying down with his eyes closed.

"Is that even possible?" I asked.

"It's not. Maraming responsibilities that I can't just abandon."

"Is it tiresome?" I asked again.

"That's an understatement Lea." He said and stood up.

I was about to follow but he stopped me and told me to wait.

I felt the burden on his words. Whenever I see him it feels like everything is very light and I even envy the life he is living now. Everybody looks up to him and he doesn't need to make an effort to do so.

However, seeing him now makes me think otherwise. Whatever life one is living is never easy. We deal with our own problems and it's not hard to believe that even someone as accomplished as Aga has his own burden to handle.

He came back with another bottle. This time it's vodka.

"Ngayon mo sabihin sakin na light lang yan. Aga hindi kita aalagaan pag nalasing ka ha!" I warned him but he didn't seem to care.

"Kaya ko." He assured me but for the first time, I cannot trust his words.

And I was right because few hours later he was totally drunk.

"Lea, is there something wrong with being nice?"

"Ang kulit mo! Walang problema dun. Kanina ko pa sinasabi diba?!"

I'm starting to lose my patience since he was asking me the same thing all over.

We headed to his room which is just beside mine and Manang Fe's.

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