Cold Fear Strikes Again

Start from the beginning

"I need your help with something." He announces and you nod, stuffing your cell inside your bag and tossing it away before following him out to the bar front.

The night goes smoothly. Not many customers came in but that was expected. Who would want to party knowing that the next day is going to be just as dreadful? It made you wonder why exactly this club was a night club on such a strange day. But maybe it was a good thing too since Killua wasn't here and you were not in the best of moods.

It was around 1:00 AM by the time Lex finally managed to push out a drunk, clingy lady and shutter the place.

"Phew... That was tiring..." He pushes his lime-green hair back and swipes the sweat away from his forehead dramatically. Switching off the colorful lights and music one-by-one.

"Do you deal with that all the time?" You look at him strangely putting away a towel and making your way to the staff room.

"Well... Some days more than the others, you could say..."


"I'm too charming I guess..." He states.

You chuckle slightly, thinking he's just kidding. But then you look at him and realize that he's staring at you with the most serious expression you've seen him have.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow and you feel the need to back out from what seems to start turning into a battle.

"Uh... Nothing..." You mumble, smiling nervously.

"What? I can't hear you." He tilts his head to the side with the same expression and you quickly answer.

"Nothing! You're right! You are really charming!" You exclaim, hoping that's enough to convince him.

"You are right!" He exclaims, suddenly returning to his unusually jolly behavior and you unconsciously let out a breath of relief before entering the staff room.

Lex changes his attire slightly, changing into a thick hoodie to keep warm from the cold weather. It isn't snowing but it is still cold. The area of the club looks almost deserted as the dim streetlights barely do any help.

Lex was walking beside you, holding himself and shivering from the cold every now and then. You felt bad but there was nothing else you could do. All of a sudden, Lex speaks up,

"How was today?" He asks and you see him grinning through his chattering teeth.

"Well, it was good. Not many customers." You shrug.

"True, but if Killua was here, he would've done the work of three at the same time it takes for one!"

"Really?!" You exclaim, baffled at the statement but you brush it off as an exaggeration.

"Yeah! Our boss really likes him." You notice him smirking.

"Oh yeah! I haven't seen the former yet." You raise your eyebrow.

"Well, he's a busy man. That's all." He chuckles, and you feel even more suspicious. Killua never spoke much of the owner of the club, surely they should have some great amount of trust to let him and Lex mainly look after the club. A wave of questions was washing over your mind when suddenly, a tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality.

"We're here..." Lex announces before waving hastily at you and rushing off across the street and away, barely giving you any time to react.

You plop down on your bed after showering. Grabbing your pills and having them with a glass of water before lying down and switching off all the lights.

You wonder if Killua is safe and sound. What would he be doing at this hour of the day? Nothing comes into your mind... You've no idea what it's like to be a hunter, let alone what they do. And slowly but surely, the moonlight seeping in through your curtains soothe you to a pleasant slumber. Readying your body for another hectic day ahead.

But for some reason, you felt cold. Like the kind of cold that doesn't go away even with all the thick blankets covering you. It terrorized you to a point that you felt like you knew something was coming.

Something that was surely not good... No good brings this feeling in your chest. You forcefully shut your eyes and pull your blankets over your head, waiting for sleep to come.

And this night, you convince yourself that you had nothing to fear. Because fear is for those who had something to lose.

For you, you don't have anything left.

So what would you be fearing?

But as sleep takes over your system, the evil world grins at you. Because the days left to come would prove you wrong...


sXt: Heylo y'all! ... I know it's been a long time since I last updated but here you go!

To be honest I have been very busy with school, exams, assignments, and all of that.

I don't feel like this chapter is my best work or even close to best at that. No matter how many times I wrote and edited it, I felt like something was always missing. To be honest I had finished this chapter by mid-November but I just couldn't publish it because I felt like something was lacking.

This chapter is a filler but it will lead to one of the most pivotal parts of the story so stay tuned! Love y'all and stay safe!<3

Lost Without You  ( A Killua x OC Fanfiction ) Where stories live. Discover now