Better Days To Come

66 12 109

Day 9

Saturday 9th December

8:17 AM

You are brooming your house at the moment, trying to clear all the mess that has built up withing just the past three days. It's been a whole day since your discharge from the hospital and you were slowly but surely, getting back on track with life.

Miss Frea had noted down your phone number just before you left and ever since, have been messaging you every 3-4 hours. It was kind of her to do that even though she is a very busy woman.

And as for Killua, he hasn't left touch ever since...

You hastily grab the ringing mobile from the couch before sighing once again at the caller ID, although not without a smile. This is the second call since morning and you hadn't woken up that early either.


"Hi..." You smile through your words and he seems to have taken notice as he chuckles back.

"What'cha doin?" He asks.

"Nothing much, just cleaning up the house and arranging stuff. Got a hell lot messier within just a few days..." You sigh.

"You should be resting though, stop stressing yourself and get some more sleep..." He demands in his husky tone and you sigh, exasperated.

"If I lay around and 'rest' all day, who's gonna clean my house?!"

He just chuckles.

"I'm comin' over..."

"No nee-"


"Shit!!!, he's coming over." You exclaim, placing your hands over your head in a sign of defeat.

'Why does he care so much?...' you wonder, tossing the broom away before plopping down on your couch, exhausted.

A couple of minutes pass and you hear a calm knock on your door, almost immediately knowing it was him. You rush to open the door and find him standing there, hair messy as always, wearing a navy blue hoody and dark cargo pants.

"Hello..." He mumbles, looking straight into your eyes with his cerulean blue ones. A gentle, knowing smile plastered on his lips and for a moment, you felt as though you were frozen in time. The both of you that is.

He continues...

"The elevator's really slow..." His eyes searches yours but you just stand there, expressionless and taking in his features. He breaks the eye contact and looks away, not able to fix his gaze in anything certain that would help him flee the awkwardness.

"It really has gotten messier..." He remarks, looking over your shoulder all of a sudden and you snap out of your trance, quickly agreeing with him as you step aside and let him in.

And then it clicks.

"Hey, do you live that close? It took you less than five minutes to reach here." You ask him and he pauses in his tracks, pulling his hand away from one of the picture frames on the wall. As you wait for an answer, he just chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess it is kinda close..."

"Of course, you reached quicker when I uh-... Fainted."

"Yeah, sorry I didn't bring a bottle of liquor with me." He chuckles and you just blush, embarrassed by it. He was certainly opening up now...

"And yeah... "


"Take your medicines and get some rest, I'll do the rest of the cleaning." He speaks, nonchalantly.

"No thanks, I'll do it. Make yourself comfortable, I'll bring you someth-" He cuts you off.

"No, I dont want anything. I'm here to help so just take rest. You haven't fully recovered yet." He eyes you from the corner of his eyes and you sigh once again.

'Why do I trust this man so much?'

"I'm fine, Killua." You sigh, smiling at him in reassurance but he wants none of it.

"You are not, just take rest." He sighs too, and you finally give up.

"Fine..." You mumble as you walk over to your bed and lay down. And almost immediately, sleep consumes your entire body and you feel as though you are sinking deeper and deeper into comfort.


A gentle tap on your shoulder pulls you out of your sleep. You blink a couple of times and rub your eyes to clear your vision. Before you, Killua stood, smiling gently as you push yourself up and return the gesture.

"Slept well?" He asks and you nod.

"Alright then, I'll be off." He announces, swiftly walking out of the room. You scramble up onto your feet and almost trip on your way out, though you were lucky enough to have your workbench close enough to grab onto.

"Careful!" He calls out and you rush towards him.

"Wait for some time please. I'll make you something." You suggest, causing him to sigh.


You hastily prepare some black coffee and serve him. Not wanting to waste much more of his time as he'd already spent much of it for you.

"Thanks..." He mumbles, sipping from his steamy cup and you just wave it off.

"Its nothing."

"It means a lot..." He mumbles, not looking at you at all and you smile sincerely.

"You are welcome..."

That day too speeds away with not much happening. You were supposed to be resting after all. Your house was shining clean and you wondered if he was a cleaner at some rich house to have such amazing skills. Surely, you would thank him later.

Though you wonder what this feeling is...

Everytime you look at him, you drown in his beautiful sapphire orbs that have a million more stories to tell. And you wonder, if you would ever get to know them.

So you wait through another day, hoping to meet him the next one as unbeknownst to you, you grew more impatient every day.


SxT: Well..... Don't kill me, this one's a tiny chap chap. A whole lot of stuff has been happening in my life, including random exams. I know this chapter is extremely uneventful, short and kinda disappointing. But I'll surely make it up to you guys in the upcoming chapters. Thank you sooooo much as always and don't forget to comment on my story. Whatever comes to your mind, type it down in the comment section and I'll be sure to reply as I enjoy reading them very much!!! Love ya❤

Lost Without You  ( A Killua x OC Fanfiction ) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें