An Issue Of Trust

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"That'll be 58 Jenny..." The cashier looks at you and smiles.

You pay the money and get your groceries, smiling back to her before turning around, about to leave.

"How's Haru doing, Tesha? And when is your neighbor coming back? You can't keep babysitting him forever..." She shrugs as she asks.

"He's good. I don't know when they will return, they haven't called me either. I'm starting to worry about it actually." You smile back, even though more than half of your sentence was just you lying through your teeth.

"Oh! I'm glad... I hope they come back soon."

"Yeah, thanks for the time ma'am, I'll be leaving then." You wave your hand.

"Yeah, sure!" She replies cheerily.

You get out of the shop and let out a deep breath that you had been holding in. You start walking back to your apartment, letting your mind ponder upon your situation even more.

Mia is the only one that knows the truth about Haru. Everyone else believes what's false because it's you who had lied to them all.

It was safer this way, because if those horrible people found out, they wouldn't keep a single one of them alive and you were very well aware of it.

What only Mia knows is the truth,

The truth that Haru is your child, the one who was born because you were raped...

Brutally raped one night on your way back home.

The most horrible people of all, they should've been punished.

But the world works in its own ways... Cruel and agonizingly painful to some, while the one's who deserve it, spend their days in the light of worldly boons.

They are powerful people, respected by thousands... You don't stand a chance... You had tried your best to file cases but even the law was in their favor.

It was like they are watching you, getting nails hammered into your body, one by one, with evil smiles on their faces. But what they didn't see, was the ray of light growing in your belly.

Somewhere in your heart, you knew that maybe this child could be a blessing from a power that you believed in. That maybe if you raise this child with all your love and heart, that the power might give you a chance.

A chance to punish those evils with the most horrendous punishments the law could give.

Your building was just a few meters away, joy was clear on your face as you thought of giving Haru his favorite chocolates that you had just bought.

The way his eyes lit up whenever he was happy would wash away all the pain and replace it with pure euphoria.

You take step after step, deep in your thoughts as suddenly-

A shrill cry descending from above, lands with a thud right in front of you.

You jolt in surprise, stopping any sort of movement as your palm lifts up slowly to cover your mouth. Your eyes widen drastically from the sight before you...

Lost Without You  ( A Killua x OC Fanfiction ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن