Chapter 2

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"My king," Gweluven announced their arrival, walking up on a platform high above. There was nothing but columns and a throne that seemed to have sight over the halls. King Thranduil was sitting, one leg over the other, and his cold blue eyes scanning her from head to toe.

"A dead body was brought in and my best healers tended to it so, tell me, how come you are alive?" he asked, not even acting sympathetically.

"I don't know what happened. I was dead, indeed, but then this light engulfed me and I woke up here," she explained, frowning at the pain she felt before she woke up.

Thranduil narrowed his eyes and in one swift movement, he cast his long golden coat aside, baring his long legs before he descended the few stairs towards his throne and approached Mistril just enough to make her understand how much authority he held.

"And what is your name?" He asked, realizing she was almost as tall as him.

"Mistril, sir," she answered, knowing she had to act properly in order not to return to the wilderness.

"And why were you found in my land, wounded by goblins nonetheless?" he continued, his tone polite yet there was a tinge of animosity. "Where did you come from?"

Mistril's eyes widened as she figured there was no real reason for the king to keep her there. She had no answers for him and she could understand how odd and suspicious her situation was.

"You tell me you cannot recall anything from before you woke up here? Especially your fight with those foul creatures?" she nodded which made him angrier, "And why would I believe you?" Thranduil asked, taking one step closer. She was fidgeting which gave him a glimpse of her hands. He did not like what he saw.

"I do not mean any harm. I'm just-"she stopped when she realized whatever she was about to say was not going to change the king's perspective.

It took the Elvenking a few more minutes to be sure she was not a threat. Thranduil circled her staring at her with interest and suspicion. Her eyes were like stone, he could not understand what she was thinking about. She was so guarded that it brought more questions to the king.

"How did I get here?" she asked, wanting to change the subject.

"My son took pity on you and brought you here." The king answered, not once faltering from his suspicion.

"And where is he now? I'd like to express my gratitude to him."

"What makes you believe that I will allow you to meet him? That I will allow you to stay?"

Mistril's eyes sparkled in a way that made everyone near her remember that she returned from the dead, therefore the Valar clearly had other plans for her. But the reason was still mysterious. Thranduil could vaguely form a theory based on what he noticed on her wrists but he didn't want to jump to wrong assumptions. Another reason to worry was her flickering light, which could only mean that her soul was restless.

"Until I decide what to do with you, you will have a guard at your side at all times. I trust Gweluven will make all the needed arrangements."

It was quite clear he was incredibly paranoid and overprotective so Mistril nodded and kept her opinions to herself. Gweluven bowed to his king and with a subtle touch of her elbow, they retreated down the stairs, leaving a thoughtful elf king behind.

"What is the name of the prince?" Mistril asked when she was sure they walked a good while from the ears of the king.

"Legolas." The healer responded with a soft smile. "The young prince will be of age soon. There will be a banquet tomorrow night in his name. There are songs written about him and his adventures in the woods. He seems to love nature and the feeling is mutual."

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