Chapter 1

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Death is inevitable. It always lurks in the darkest corners of one's mind, always in waiting, always constant. Although the world changes, life, and death are constant. But death is also a mysterious event, different for every being. It is said that when your final days approach, all your memories come like a flood and you can see your whole life pass in front of your eyes. Some say that the soul leaves the body and goes into the world, becomes one with it. Others say that the soul is judged by God and then it can go either to Heaven, to be happy forever, or to Hell, to everlasting torture. And there is one story about a world beyond the limits of our earth, where beings rarely die and where it is always light and joy and love. But elves do die, too.

Darkness can be found too in the light that shines as bright as the stars. Coldness can still be felt in the warmth of a home and silence can be heard in the noisiest halls. Hatred can corrupt the pure souls of the naïve and kind and the sparkle in their eyes can turn into nothing. Emptiness can be found where once was love and life. Death brings all these elements together and forces them upon the soul. You can admit or deny it, but your past cannot be changed. And so, in the middle of that vast hall where the soul has to see itself for what it is and what it did, there is no place to hide or run.

The ground was damp, or at least so it was where this particular soul was, sprawled on the floor, dirty and in terrible pain. She could barely move or talk, she felt as though her whole body was paralyzed, but she was aware that it was not a dream, yet not reality either. She was thirsty, and hungry, she had so much to say and yet she wouldn't reply if asked about her story. What was the point in sharing her truth; she felt that if she spoke, then it all really happened. Reality hurt the most. But she did not regret it, nothing she has done in her life was worth regretting, and if she were to return in time, she would make exactly the same mistakes and would confide in the same people.

"You have come so far, but you cannot go all the way. Life is not over yet, at least not for you, not for now." a man said, his tone soft at the beginning yet audibly growing more authoritarian.

"Nothing you do will redeem me and nothing I do will allow me peace." She said with a trembling voice, feeling very uncomfortable standing there, all weak and barely able to raise her head and look at him.

"You are not to be redeemed, daughter of Valdaglerion. You are to be punished," the man said in a loud voice, contemplating her state.

"There is no punishment that can even my faults," she added, chuckling under her breath. "You cannot change what has already happened and nothing that follows will be worth my return."

He did not respond but instead, he reached down, placed his hands over her eyes and light came from his palms. She screamed, feeling like a million needles were piercing her head. For this particular soul, returning to life was more terrible than dying.

Nature could feel something happened, that a new path was being built and a new story was about to begin. Trees were moving without a single gust of wind and animals were restless. It was a change that could either save or kill and the chances seemed to lean ttowardthe latter. However, just because something seemed evil, it did not mean it was, and there were many more sparkling elements around.

A man was running from tree to tree, searching for something very important, although his face wouldn't hint he was under any type of stress. But he was tense and he was holding his bow tightly in his hand, ready to pull it into action if the case arose. It wasn't exactly his line of work to go around without a clear aim. Now, he did have a purpose at the moment but not one that he was accustomed to. He was an archer, not a babysitter and although he loved the prince, he would have preferred to do something of more benefit to the kingdom than play hide and seek with an elfling. His king trusted (or maybe punished) him with the safety of his son for the whole afternoon and yet he lost him.

Shadow of AngmarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora