Chapter 23

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Mistril could hardly walk without losing consciousness so she let her whole weight onto Legolas, who was half carrying her into the basement. Gweluven was on her other side, carrying Illion bridal-style since his knee had just been snapped.

"He's angry," Mistril gasped, her eyes burning.

She wasn't aware but her mark burned so badly into her flesh that even Legolas could feel it. He couldn't help but glance at it every so often on the way and remember his father's words. Once he grew more aware of the world, he accepted that his father was right, she was returned to Arda in order to be punished, and stumbling upon her was pure luck. But he still respected and loved her very much, she encouraged him to learn and experience the world outside the forest and she gave him something he had always craved: she was genuine with him, she got mad at him when he deserved it and she praised him when he needed. Mistril was very important to Legolas, she wasn't just the elleth he had saved.

Once they arrived in the healing rooms, Mistril sat on the bed and allowed the elves to chain her to it. When Lord Celeborn came into sight she could feel this sudden wave of annoyance fall over her. She growled at him like an orc and watched as he moved around, knowing that if she truly wanted to, she could kill them all, chains still around her hands.

"Do you really believe I can be kept down here now that he called for me?" She asked through gritted teeth. "You are weak. You don't know what is happening in the world."

Miluinir was the most shocked elf in the room. He had known Mistril to be very calm from the moment he found her awake in the Halls. That image was crumbling as she continued to show them her true colors.

"Give her something to calm down and keep an eye on her. Be wary even when she is asleep." Celeborn said before he signed for Gweluven to put Illion in a different room. "She is incredibly dangerous so be careful."

"How dangerous can she be, though? We are in Lorien." Was the question many young elves were wondering but only Elrohir had the courage to ask.

"She could kill us all in a matter of minutes," Celeborn answered before he left.

Elrohir and Elladan glanced at each other before they turned to Legolas. The wood elf looked like he was ready to chain himself to her.

"You know what this means, right?" Elladan started, "He has returned. No, he didn't even leave. We were naïve to think peace will be kept forever."

"She will not go to him. She has someone she can hold onto this time." Arwen sounded very sure for someone who had only recently met Mistril.

For most elves, that reason was Legolas. For many years they believed Legolas, her savior, was that glint of happiness that she needed in order to be saved. They weren't wrong but they weren't completely right either.

That night Legolas chose to sleep by her side. Mistril was heavily sedated and looked like she was dead.

"It's such a sad sight. He took it upon himself to guard us against her." Mumbled Miluinir as he stood in the doorway with his mentor.

"Is he really? Look at the way he grasps her hand, at the way he fell asleep facing her...he is protecting her from us. He found her to begin with so who are we to damage this person he brought back to life?" Gweluven explained, smiling softly when he noticed her waking up.

Mistril opened her eyes and figured there was something a lot heavier than a chain around her. She looked down and sighed as she saw the platinum blond hair of her favorite elf. She could barely get her hand out from his grasp and softly caress his forehead. She was old enough to be his mother but she preferred not to think of it like that. It made her feel bad for herself, for letting herself hope for a good future. Noticing the clarity of her marks and the way they seemed to taunt her, Mistril moved her head so that she was facing up. The ceiling was white but if she closed her eyes, it was all red.

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