Chapter 28

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"Wait, Mistril. You don't know for sure that he is in danger." Glorfindel started, grabbing her hand before she could slip up. "Even if Mirkwood is under siege, you won't be able to fight all those orcs."

"I am the Shadow of Angmar. I can take on a whole army and still be able to fight." She replied in the darkest and most sinister voice that the balrog killer had ever heard from her.

Glorfindel's eyes widened at the way her whole face seemed to change. She was still chained to Sauron and her going there would only amplify the problems of the wood elves.

"Thranduil can manage without you. He has an army of his own, with warriors that are ready to die for their people. You will arrive too late." The blond continued.

"Not if I take Asfaloth."

Glorfindel scoffed and pulled her closer to him.

"I won't let you go and kill yourself and my horse. Be realistic, Mistril. Sauron's eye will focus on you once you get there."

"Good. That means he won't know what's happening right next to him. Frodo will be able to get into Mordor without a problem." Her answer didn't make Glorfindel feel better. She was so stubborn and he knew it was not out of noble feelings or kindness. It was her selfishness that was blinding her reason.

"I'm afraid I have seen it too," Elrond said, his presence having been ignored once Mistril rushed over. "Mirkwood is strong but the armies of Dol Guldur are numerous. Orcs, giant spiders, and Easterlings have cornered the kingdom."

Mistril felt another pang in her head and fear crept up her spine. She was terrified for Thranduil and she was ready to give up her life if that meant he and his kingdom could be safe. But it didn't work like that.

"Mistril..." Glorfindel really didn't want her to leave but he knew his opinion didn't matter.

The orange-haired elleth glared at her hero and walked away furiously. Elrond watched Glorfindel with an understanding look. He had seen Mistril grow up and then he lost sight of her for a very long time. Now that she was within his reach once again, she was drifting away.

"She has to go, doesn't she?" The blond asked. Elrond nodded, already having an idea of what will happen next.

Mistril didn't need much, only her sword and her knives. Unlike a few minutes ago, she became very calm and collected. Wars were her specialty so in such times she knew exactly how to react. By the time she arrived at the stables, Asfaloth could already sense he was about to go on a long journey.

She got on the horse and covered her head with her cloak before the long way to Mirkwood began.

As soon as she rode out of Imladris, Mistril understood why Glorfindel was to guard the elves that were prepared to leave for the Grey Havens.

Even the air felt heavy and all the creatures that lived in nature hid. Whatever happened in Mordor had great repercussions all over Middle earth. The further she went towards Mirkwood, the more desolate the image became. Places of land that were once occupied by humans were now abandoned or, in the worst cases, destroyed by orcs in the most terrible ways. The number of wolves increased a lot and if she was not careful, she could always find trolls coming down from the mountains cooking any creature they could find.

Asfaloth lasted almost three days without a break. Afterwards, Mistril made stops only for him and very brief so that he could rest and drink water. Mistril didn't need anything in those moments. Every time they came across a habitable place, she would give them hay or take some food for later. The nights were especially very cold and painful. The bond between her and Thranduil gave her the opportunity to feel the torture the king was going through. Bad dreams intensified and sometimes she could feel the dark lord's big eye looking for her.

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