Several of us immediately choke on our food and drinks, getting completely blown away by what was going on. It was Niall's turn for Louis to pat him on the back when he choked on the salad. I had to literally pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But Harry just looked like he wasn't surprised at all like he already knew all of this.

"Holy fucking shit!" Niall loudly comments which makes Harry swat his arm.

"This is—that is so—my, God." My mom starts laughing in disbelief, shaking her head. "We can't possibly let you guys do that. No way."

"Consider it a wedding present." Richard smiles and sips his wine glass like he didn't just offer the craziest fucking thing to my family.

"We can't accept," Cameron says, who's grown paler than usual, still in shock, "we can't, Richard. That's too much."

"I'll take it then," Louis says with a laugh.

"Margot, Richard, please, that is way more than needed." My mom sighs. "We appreciate it all tremendously but we can't accept."

"Yes, you guys can," Margot says, "you guys have been our good friends for years now. I've seen your love for one another grow since the very beginning and I want you two to have the wedding you deserve."

"Please, it would be an honor if you'd let us do this," Richard adds.

"Holy fucking shit." The words escape my mouth before I can stop them but at this point, nothing can be more shocking to hear right now. "Are you guys serious?"

"Yes, Lacey," Margot chuckles, "it's a gift to you as well. You've been such a joy in my daughter's life for a long time. And you've treated my family with the same kindness and warmth. Help me convince your moms to throw their party in Spain."

I swallow thickly, forcing a smile at her words. I'm hardly a joy in Gigi's life now.

"I've brought your son joy as well, can I come too?" Niall sends the whole table into a fit of laughter.

"You guys aren't paying for everything," my mom firmly states after twenty minutes pass and the initial shock has worn off.

The idea of having the wedding in Spain is slowly growing more accepted by her and Cameron. I, for one, am completely all in for this but I'd feel bad for accepting such a grand present like this.

"We will not let you," my mom adds. "That's too much."

"Why not?" Richard chuckles and shrugs. "It's part of the deal."

I forgot how extremely rich Richard is.

"That we will only accept if we get to contribute as well," Cameron counters.

"We can sort out the logistics at a more convenient time. I can introduce you to Linda and Alex, who are working with us on this."

"I can't believe this," my mom says through a breathy laugh and even has tears in her eyes. "All I wanted was to get at least a quarter of our dream wedding but you've given it all and more to us. Your generosity and selflessness—" Her voice cracks and Cameron moves to comfort her. "There are no words."

"Oh, goodness," Margot says before laughing and fanning her face. "You're going to make me cry, Jane!"

"Jane, Margot, please, you're making my allergies act up." Niall looks away and rubs one of his eyes before a tear escapes down his pink cheek.

"We should meet up again this week to discuss everything else," Richard says after a few minutes, "so you can give a heads up to your guests as soon as possible. Margot mentioned you've only invited close family and friends."

That Summer Feeling [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now