50. when the party's over

Start from the beginning

"I want to go, though. I've been slugging all week. I want a fun distraction."

"A distraction from your temporary feelings?"

I shrug, nodding my head again in response.

"Don't take this the wrong way but a distraction can only distract you for so long. When the party's over, it's likely that you're going to still feel.. off. Maybe even worse."

"I know, Liam. But what if I don't? What if it helps me more than harms?"

"That's also likely. I just don't want you to feel even shitter after."

"No." I sit up, oddly feeling more motivated to go. "I'm going. It'll break me out of my funk."

"Okay," he says warily, "but only if you're sure."

"I am." I give him a real smile.

"Alright." He stands up, narrowing his eyes at me. "But do me a favor. Lace. Check-in with me every other hour tonight. I want you to have a good time and if you're not, tell me. I'll go home with you."

"I'll be fine, Liam, but okay. I will."

"Good. Now," He starts posing again. "These or the boots?"

"Those. Definitely."

He nods, grinning at me as he walks across his room to look in the mirror. "Should I wear a jacket? Maybe my denim one will look good."

Bella walks in mid-sentence and starts laughing. "Liam, are you still asking her for her opinion? It's been, like, two hours. Why are you so worried about how you look? You wanna look good for your boyfriend, Luke?"

"Bella, please." He snorts, combing his locks again, "I want all of us to look fresh. I don't want him to regret inviting us to his birthday party."

"Sure." Bella looks at me as we both laugh.

He turns around and examines Bella's outfit and squints his eyes at her. "Please don't tell me you're going to wear that."

"No, Liam, I am not wearing my fucking pajamas to this party." Bella rolls her eyes. "I just finished my makeup and want to chill before I change."

Liam lets out a sigh of relief and begins to tuck his shirt into his pants. Bella shakes her head at him with a smile playing on her red lips then looks at me.

"Will you let Lacey get ready already? You're holding her captive in this room. And did you spray on that horrendous perfume again? It smells like shit."

"Bella, Bella, Bella." He sighs dramatically and shakes his head. "I know you want me."

"I'm out of here. Come, Lacey. Let's go get you ready."

I giggle with her and get up from the bed, following her out of the room while Liam tells us that we have less than two hours before we have to leave.

"You know what you want to wear?" Bella asks as we enter our room.

"Mm, no."

"What about makeup?"

"Not really."

"Or hair?"

"Um, no."

"Okay. That's fine. It's all good. But we only have two hours so let's get shit rolling."

She opens the closet doors and starts sliding the hangers to the side as she looks at our clothes. I relax on the bed as I look at her.

"I wanna be comfortable, Bells," I softly call out, feeling slightly bloated even in my oversized t-shirt and baggy sweatpants.

That Summer Feeling [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now