Extra: Bathing?

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Yes, it's an update...😂

Okay before I start just clearing that many people wanted some more chapters with their kids, so I just decided to add two or three, you all consider it as a special episode too.

The initial story is ended. This is just extra!

Small update..happy reading 😊😊

4 years old......(kids).

It was 9:30 in the night where the family had their dinner. It all went smooth. Tharn had taken a half-day today because he had to take type for his normal 2nd-month pregnancy check-up. All because of the checkup, he had a tons of work to handle in the university. It was time for the final exam and tharn was busy setting the biology question paper for the students. Type was too in the final year of his studying. Just 2 months and he will be out of the university. He was very much excited to see that day. He continued to study online.

Coming to ivy and Leo, they played after their dinner with Lisa and betty until type called them.

"Ivy, Leo come here."

The kids quickly ran to their mommy when they heard their mommy call them.

"Yes, mum?" They said in unison.

"It's time to sleep now." The kids frowned.

"No~~" the twins pouted.

Type smiled when he saw his babies not sleepy.

"You can play with them tomorrow, okay?" Type asked.

"No~~~~" they pouted again.

"Okay then, I'll take Betty and Lisa to sleep with me and daddy, you both go and play." Type looked to his twins.

The twins made their eyes wide.

"Mommy~" They both said in unison.

Type chuckled.

"C'mon Betty and Lisa, let's go to sleep." Type said looking at twins biting his lips.

"No~ we will sleep with you and daddy. Lisa will sleep with Uncle saint and Betty with Grandpa drake." Leo said.

Type smiled.

"Then, let's see who gets to the room first?" the twins ran to their parent's room.

From their birth until now they slept with their parents. They didn't like to sleep without their parents. They both loved their parents a lot. Type was comfortable with the twins sleeping with them but his hubby wasn't.

(A/N: you'll know what's the reason, I don't need to specify it right?)

The twins were about to knock on the door when type stopped them because he knew what knocking the twins would do. They simply bang the door hard making the person in the bedroom always flinch. This time type stopped them because tharn was busy doing his work and he didn't want him to get distracted because of their kids.

"Babies, I'll open it." Type twisted the doorknob and the three people entered the room.

"Daddy!" The twins shouted and jumped on the bed hugging tharn, showering him with their tiny and soft kisses. Tharn flinched as he was too focused but when he saw his kids being all cute he eventually smiled. Tharn was on the bed sitting with a laptop clicking the pen as he leaned against the headboard. Type chuckled a bit when he saw ivy and Leo kissing tharn's face. Their height was equal to tharn when tharn would be sitting.

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