31: Dealing like a pro

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Small update..happy reading 😊😊

"Type!" Phana yelled.

Type was going away from the mansion. Phana ran fast and caught him by his wrist.

"Stop running, it's not good for the baby!" Phana stopped him.

"Let go!"

"Where are you going?"

"Far away."



"I know type, you are hurt but you are hurting yourself more by doing this."


"Trust me, let's get back home."

"Can we go somewhere to get fresh air?" Type asked phana.

"Umm..well okay."

Type nodded and followed pha.


Meanwhile at the mansion...

All the people were all shocked to see tharn's behavior. They didn't expect tharn to do something like this.

"Tharn, what was that?" Drake asked.

"Long story." Tharn answered him back.

"Has type done anything wrong?" Panit asked.

"I'm not in the mood. Let's talk some other day."


With that tharn got to his room with tears in his eyes. Yeah, what he did was unforgivable but he had to do it. It was all for types safety. As he got to the room he slammed his door shut. Tee on the other hand was trying to call type but it was unreachable.

Drake and panit thought something was fishy but they kept silent. They knew tharn wouldn't hurt anyone unless it's needed. Emma on the other hand was enjoying every moment. She was overjoyed when tharn slapped type. That's what she wanted desperately. She smirked evilly and got to the room too.

As tharn got to his room, he went straight to the shower. Quickly discarding all the clothes, he placed him under the shower. The hot water dripped and bounced from his skin. Tharn knew, he needed this. He knew he couldn't hit type but he had to do it somehow for types safety. Tears streamed down his eyes and mixed with the shower water. The thing which he was hurt more was his husband being pregnant. He knew type will never forgive him. His mind was flooded with thoughts of his mom being the culprit. He couldn't believe his beloved mom had killed his husband's parents. It tore him into two.

Why mom?? Why??

How can you cheat on the family?

How can you be a murderer!!

I never thought you would go to this extent!

Because of you, I let my love go away from me!

He is hurt! It's all because of you!

I will never forgive you!!


It was 10:30 in the night where type and phana were sitting on the beach sand looking at the beautiful sea. It was peaceful and that was all type wanted to the present. Phana was sad for type as he had to go through this traumatic drama. He knew all this was not good for him as well as the child in his womb, but it was all for their both safety. He couldn't explain type, how hard and painful it was for tharn to slap him. From the time they had reached the place type kept his mouth shut. He knew the younger was hurt.

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