08: Enjoying each moment

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Small update..happy reading😊😊

Type, Tee, Phana, Emma, drake all were sited in the living room waiting for tharn to freshen up and join them.
It was 11:30 in the morning when tharn finally walked out of his room to join the members who were waiting for him.

"Here he is." Said phana. Tharn smiled simultaneously made a confused face.

"What's with that stare? Did I do anything wrong?" Tharn asked being all confused.

"No." Drake smiled.


"We were just waiting for you to join us." Emma spoke while caressing her belly.

"Yes. You can go ahead now." Tharn said sitting on the couch with his family.

"Can you do us one favor?" Emma asked.

"And what is it?" Tharn rubbed his chin while eyeing Emma.

"Show our house to type." Tharn smiled and nodded as he smirked while glancing at type. Seeing the evil smirk types heart beat unevenly in his chest. He gulped.

'What is tharn planning?'

"Sure. Why not."


"Well, in the evening?" Tharn asked.

Type nodded gently.


"Well, be ready by 6." Type gulped but nodded.

"P' I'm going to spend the night at my friend's condo." Tee spoke while type nodded.

"Well, you both should rest now." Drake smiled to tee and type while tharn nodded.

"And yes, I and your mom are not there for dinner today evening." Drake smiled.

"Phana would you like to accompany us?" Emma asked.

"Umm, well not actually I have other plans." Said phana.

"Meeting your girlfriend son?" Emma asked.

"Mom, I don't have one." Phana made himself clear.

"Your lying." Tharn raised his eyebrow.

"Tharn, I'm not lying. You are the one who is lying." Said phana Tharn's and types went wide.

Phana knows?

Fuck tharn! What the hell?

"W-What do you-mean I'm lying?" asked tharn pretending not to know what phana was talking about.

"Don't pretend, I already know that-" phana was cut by tharn by saying

"That.......ummmm..-" tharn was stuck. Type shook his head.

"That what son?" Asked Emma.

"I'm seeing someone." Said tharn without looking at type. Type's eyes went wide. He looked at tharn immediately.

"Who?" Drake couldn't help but ask.

"Umm.....well, I'm not sure of it too, I'll share about him when I'll confess to him."

"You haven't confessed?" Emma asked. Phana raised his eyebrows.

"I haven't." Said tharn shaking his head indicating a no. Type breathed out.

"Let us know when you confess son." Said Drake. Tharn nodded.

"Well, then I think I have some work pending. I'll get going." Said Drake.
Type smiled as drake parted. Tharn and phana got up to go to their respective rooms when phana leaned near tharn's ears by saying,

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