19: Let it out (18+)

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Long update..happy reading 😊😊

It was 7:15 in the morning. As per tharn's order, type was all ready. He took a warm shower and was l seated on the edge of his bed.

Fuck! I shouldn't have got to the store with techno!

Tharn is mad at me!

Type sighed.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Grabbing it out, he eyed it to make his eyes wide. It was from tharn. It read,

Tharn: my room now.

Type was excited as well as nervous as hell. Yeah, he knew it was his 3rd time with his boyfriend but he still felt nervous. Quickly putting the phone back in the pocket, he left the room hurriedly.

Standing in front of tharn's bedroom, he straightened his t-shirt a bit to keep a slight smile on his face before knocking. He was about to knock on the huge door, but couldn't make it since tharn opened it first by holding type's wrist and grabbed him in quickly. Type was startled when he was pushed to the sidewall of the door with a small bang. Tharn had both of his hands to the wall with type in between them.

Type was breathed in heavily.

"You shouldn't have grabbed me like that. What if someone could see?"

Tharn raised an eyebrow and said,

"I don't care. I just want you."

Type blushed.

"But-" he was cut off by tharn when tharn he pushed his lips on type's making him shut instantly. Type's eyes went wide.

Tharn was kissing him softly.

Is he not mad at me anymore?

Type squeezed his eyes shut. His hands traveled to tharn's nape. They shared a passionate kiss. Tharn pressed his body more on type's as he made sure that there is no unnecessary space in between the left. Soft lips colliding on each other. Tharn felt type melted by his touch as he was as showering him with his love. Type wanted this. He wanted to release all the pain. Tharn sucked the youngers lower lip making it swollen and red. The younger moaned into tharn's mouth making his soft sleeping c*ck wake up and stand effect in his pants. They parted when tharn traveled to types neck to suck on it hard by leaving red love bites all over.

"Tharn, no hickeys please~"

"Shh. Today you have to listen to your daddy." Tharn smirked.

Type was already hard. Tharn turned hornier than before when he heard type moan louder. He was swallowing all the moans which type was gifting him. It was even easier for tharn to push his tongue into type's mouth when type opened his mouth to moan. Tharn tasted each corner of his boyfriend's mouth making him twitch even more. Tharn's hands caught the tiny waist of type and pushed both of them away from the wall to walk toward the couch. Both of them stumbled but finally made through it.

Tharn pushed type roughly on the couch making him lay straight on his back. Type was startled but eventually, he made himself comfortable with it. Tharn leaned down to type to again reconnect their lips. This time it wasn't soft but a rough one. Tharn was hungrily kissing his boyfriend. Type's hand crawled down to tharn's pants unbuttoning it. It took a bit of time for type to remove tharn's massive c*ck from his pants as side by side he had to respond to the hungry kisses of his boyfriend. Tharn took his hands to type's pants to remove the phone to keep it on the table with was near the couch.

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