39: Epilogue

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Last update..happy reading 😊😊

18 months after ......

Finally, Leo and ivy were 18 months old. From the start when type got pregnant till now was just blissful for the couple. The couple was so excited to meet their smallies and they were pretty certain that they would cry and the babies indeed made them more. However, when the time came for the babies to see the word, the scenario changed.

Coming to the present ivy, Leo, betty, and Lisa were the trouble makers of the jongchaveevat mansion. Everyone loved them with their whole heart as they were cute but side by side they would know to get the elders into trouble. Lisa could walk but Betty, ivy, and Leo needed a bit of support.

Coming to Leo and ivy, their weight almost tripled after their birth. After an incredible year growth spurt and their level of activities increased. They both would try to stand up and took their solo tentative steps. Those were the moments the couple waited to record and keep safe in their camera. They were pretty good at going things for themselves like eating with their fingers, helping their parents to dress them, and turning the pages of the storybook. They started using somethings correctly including a spoon, hairbrush, etc. Although their aim wasn't perfect they attempt it and certainly making the right decision.
Cute isn't it?

They both were active the whole day while the most sleepy heads in the night. They would still take an afternoon nap with their mommy if needed or type would forcefully make them sleep when they would try to create more problems or fight. Type started slowly changing their milk from formula to whole milk. Ivy while eating sometimes would pull Leo's hair since he was too much hairy when Leo wouldn't give her favorite toy to her, whereas Leo would pinch ivy when she reserved her place to sleep beside their mommy. Indeed she was daddy's girl but at night she would try to sleep with her mommy. Indeed she liked sleeping with tharn too. She would love to play with tharns gorgeous hands and the thumb ring.

The couple had to be more careful with their kids because they would put anything in their mouth whichever things their hands came in contact with like the whole grapes, hotdogs, popcorns, etc. Type would lovingly scold the kids but the kids would always do the opposite. He would give them mashed boiled eggs, nut butters, or mushy food.

As they would begin walking, it was the time when they try to put their shoes on their own. Just an attempt. Tharn and type were tempted to buy them tiny shoes for their sweet toes while the babies were eager to wear them on their legs as they were colorful and attractive. Sometimes the sound of the shoes or the colorful light would make ivy and Leo laugh and happy. They tried their first attempt wearing their shoes on their own when type laughed at the sight. They wore the shoes in opposite feet and tried to walk but would gradually trip and land in types or tharn's embrace and not on the floor.

They were troublemakers to one more thing. Their lovemaking session. They don't know how the babies would just wake up wherever tharn and type would get dirty and horny. The babies would just cry for their parents whenever their parents would be engrossed in their rough steamy session. It irritated tharn the most.

Anyway coming to the present, the babies were playing on their parent's king-sized bed with toys. Type was reading some book on parenting while tharn was too indulged in his work on the bed but both of them had an eye on the babies. Leo was playing with a toy train while ivy was busy kissing her teddy. Type smiled when he saw both of them playing happily. A few minutes after, Leo wanted to play with the same teddy which was in Ivy's hands. Throwing the toy train away he got near ivy and smiled. Ivy patted Leo's leg and smiled too, but Leo has some other intention. While smiling he quickly snatched the teddy from Ivy's small hands making her eyes wide. Leo laughed and hugged the teddy. Tears filled in Ivy's eyes. She quickly crawled to type and patted his thigh showing her tears to him. Type eye her confused.

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