27: Caught

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Small update...happy reading 😊😊

Currently, type was 6 weeks pregnant. He was feeling lethargic and tired as he might be after staying awake for 5 days straight with a perpetual hangover, lacking the motivation to do anything but watch Netflix all day and fighting the urge to yell at tharn who criticized him to have a vanilla ice cream. The jubilation he felt after seeing pink lines on 4 different pregnancy sticks lasted for a few weeks. His happiness was riddled with anxiety. He would watch YouTube videos about positive thinking and tried to control his thoughts.

Tharn on the other hand was handling type were nicely and carefully. At the same time, he was fed up of types mood swings which started one week ago. Type would burst at him if he would be displeased with tharn. He would sometimes throw things which his hands came in contact with. Sometimes the things would land straight on tharn's face.

One fine day type was sitting on the bed with his back leaned against the headboard. It was Sunday afternoon where tharn was too in their bedroom on his laptop doing some work. Type was watching television. He was just scrolling through the channels when his attention was caught on one of the food channels which showed the recipe for a sandwich. Seeing those sandwiches which were being prepared by the chefs made type have water into his mouth. He felt like having a sandwich. Type turned his head to see tharn sitting peacefully on the desk completing his work, but he couldn't control his desire of munching a sandwich now, so he decided to ask his hubby to make one for him.

"Babe?" Type called out.


"Can you do me one favor?"

"Which one?" Tharn asked.

"Can you prepare me a sandwich please?"

"Umm....just a second I'll let someone prepare one for you."

"No! You didn't get it. I want it prepared by your beautiful hands."


"You denying me?"

"N-No. Who said?" Arguing with type was like eating a Lion's meal in front of the lion itself.

"So, you are preparing it, aren't you?"

"Yeah." With that tharn left the room in a haze to prepare the sandwich for his dear one-month pregnant wife.

Type smiled.

After 20 minutes tharn entered the room with a plate of sandwiches. Type smiled when he saw his hubby finally returned. 20 minutes for him were like 20 hours but it now didn't matter.

"Here." Tharn handed the plate to type and headed to the desk to finish off his work. Seeing the plate filled with sandwiches and a spoon and fork. He knew a spoon and fork was not needed but he can't take a risk. Type would suddenly burst at him if he wasn't in the mood. Type smiled when he saw the sandwiches but it didn't last long. His face frowned.

"Tharn!" He yelled

"What? Can't you speak a bit in low volume?" Asked tharn.

What the hell? Tharn just told me to shut up?

Tears filled in types eyes.

"No. Type no crying." Cleared tharn.


"What happened,....have I done something wrong?" Tharn asked. Type nodded.

"And may I know what?"

"You...you cut the sandwiches in rectangles even though you know I like it when it is cut in triangles!" Type yelled.

"What! Like seriously?"

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