18: You've got to be punished.

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Small update happy reading😊😊

"Ohm?" Questioned type.

Ohm had his head down with a shameful expression.

Type couldn't believe his eyes. The person he trusted the most was the one who attacked him. Type was breathing heavily.

His mind was lost.

Thoughts started to engulf into type's mind.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when tae spoke up,



"What happened? Do you know him?" Asked tae. Sarawat and zee looked at him confused. Type's eyes went wide.

"Umm....ye..yeah." He said in a lone tone. Tae's eyes went wide.

"Who is he?" Sarawat asked.

"Umm..he a student in my faculty. We both study in the same class." Type answered.

"Is that so?" Asked zee.

Type nodded.

"Type, It's no what you think. Please believe me." Ohm looked to type.

Type squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't take it more. He didn't want to break down more.

"Take him away from me!"

Tae and zee nodded and pulled him along with them out of type's room.

"Umm, type?" Called Sarawat.

"Hmm?" he turned his head to eye  Sarawat.

"Umm tonight, I'll let saint bodyguard your room."

Types eyes went wide.


"Umm...it's because we cannot let you get into another trouble. Just for tonight."

"But-......saint has a baby right?"

Sarawat nodded.

"Hmm, so will it not be difficult for him to look after the baby as well as taking care of me?" Type asked.

Sarawat nodded.

"Then, you can ask lhong to bodyguard me." Type smiled.

"Umm..he isn't available...Coz he is busy investigating ohm."

"Ohh, Then how about your husband?"

"Um..he is a bit sick." Said Sarawat.


"And others are on their night duty."

"Okay then! Let saint crash in here." Said type.

Sarawat smiled.

"Hmm..I'll send him later."

Type nodded.

The door of the room closed with a soft sound. Type was sitting on the edge of the bed still catching up with what just happened a few minutes ago. He sighed as he didn't think in the million years about what ohm just did to him. Suddenly tharn's angry face popped into his mind making him shiver. He knew tharn will go crazy after hearing ohm attacked him.

Firstly, tharn didn't like ohm and second, now the recent attack.
Thoughts started jumbling into his head. He felt a bit scared as he knew today despite tharn telling him to come straight home he went out with techno. He knew it was his mistake and he had to suffer the consequences.

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