05: What's with the blood!

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Small update...happy reading😊😊

"The choice is yours." Said tharn making type stuck up into a fucked up situation.

Type doesn't understand how to answer him. Yeah, he wanted some extra time but deep down he was agreeing to move in but in this situation, he just can't agree with it.

"Baby I think you took a lot of time, Are you answering me or should I take your silence as a yes?" Said tharn brushing his cold hand underneath types sweatshirt on his flat tummy.

Type who was lost into the thoughts jumped a bit as he felt cold fingers roaming all over types tummy. Type wanted to bury himself alive. He just doesn't know what to respond to this handsome professor of his.

Meanwhile, tharn's hand reached types two hard nipples. He gently pinched it making type moaned a bit.

"Mmm...tharn! What are you doing?"

"Trying to grab an answer for question I asked before."

"Stop it tharn." Type didn't want to moan again. The feeling that tharn was giving him was heaven.

"Then answer me quickly." Tharn smiled showing his perfect teeth to the younger.

"Umm....then.....I....-" he was cut off by phana and Emma as they both opened the door of tharn's master bedroom without knocking.

Tharn and type both watched phana and Emma with wide eyes. Whereas Emma and pha watched the two younger boy on the bed, where tharn was on type and his hand crawling under the younger's shirt. Their faces being inches apart like just about to kiss. Tharn and type both got up to stand in front of Emma and pha

"Mom?" were only the words that came out of tharn's mouth. Type was speechless.

"T-Tharn Sweetie, I'm so sorry that we both abruptly opened the door. It's just win told us that type is here to visit you so we just came to see..." Said Emma holding her belly.

"It's not like that just-" type was cut off by pha

"Lovemaking?" phana interrupted.
Tharn's and types eyes went wide.

"No!" They said in unison.
Emma and phana bursted into laughter

"Mom, they took it seriously." Phana laughed.

"Relax kids we were just kidding. You guys can continue." Pha nodded and they both slipped out of the room
Tharn and type sighed as both were embarrassed.

"Then...I think I should take my leave too." Said type not giving a chance to tharn to speak and ran out of the room. Tharn was about to catch him but failed as the younger was quick enough to slip through his hands.

Tharn slightly smiled as to what he did to the younger today. Yeah, it was unexpected but he liked types face being blushed with crimson red.

"You are interesting little boy." Said tharn to himself with a slight smile on his face.

Meanwhile, type ran out of the mansion, made his way straight to the apartment. Tee wasn't home as he was at his friend's home to complete his assignment.

Type couldn't think straight he needed a cold shower. Quickly reaching his apartment he unlocked the door and straight moving towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom he had his head hung letting the cold water touching his soft body. He was deeply in the thought of what just happened at tharn's place. It was unexpected for him too. This was the first person type that had let to touch his body. Yeah, previous he was into a relationship but it ended in 15 days because he didn't allow his boyfriend to touch his body as he wasn't ready.

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