I didn't know whether to trust what the Handler was saying or not.

"Y/N talked about her father." I said. "Did you do anything to him?"

"Oh no." The Handler giggled. "He's too important to be killed."

I sighed in relief. I knew that Y/N was worried about him and I was excited for her to know the news.

"Thank you." I responded.


Y/N's point of view:

I got to the doors to Elliot's place and knocked on the door. The doors swung open, I was expecting to see Elliot's face but I saw Diego's face. He looked upset and right behind him was Luther, who had the exact same face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I entered the room. I turned my head to see the blood on the floor and quickly looked back at Luther and Diego. "What's that from?"

The two boys looked over to the other room. I knew that something must have happened over there so I headed over there.

"No, Y/N!" Diego yelled, trying to stop me. "Let me explain something!"

I saw Elliot in the chair and the two boys were still following me, trying to get me to stop. This made me very curious to what was going on but once I got to Elliot I wished I stopped.

Elliot was dead.

There were so many things resembling that he was dead I couldn't count and I didn't want to. I fell to the ground and quickly started to scoot myself backwards until I was stopped by Diego's arms. I was crying and shaking. My heart shattered, it wasn't only sad. It was burned into my head. The image of Elliot dead in his dad's dentists chair was forever in my memory. I curled up in a ball and put my head on Diego's chest, wishing that Five was here to comfort me.

"It's alright Y/N." Diego repeated to me over and over again as he held me.

Even though it wasn't Five holding me. It still felt better that I had someone with me. It took a lot of time but after quite some time I finally got out of Diego's arms. Tears still flowed down my face but it wasn't as bad. I tried my best, not to look at Elliot as I got up. Luther lead me to the bedroom, making sure I didn't see Elliot. I sat down on the bed and wiped off the tears streaming down my face. Shortly after, Diego came into my room.

"Everything alright?" Diego asked me as he sat down on the bed with me.

"Being honest, not really." I admitted. "Who killed him?"

"We're not sure." Diego sighed. "I also wanted to say thanks for today's dinner. It really helped to hear her voice... saying those words."

I smiled even though my eyes were still red with tears.

"It's not too hard to do it. I know it's not meant to be used poorly but if you ever need something like that again, let me know." I offered.

Diego nodded in response.

"What happened to Five?" Diego asked.

"I'm not sure, he seemed a little upset. Your guy's father didn't give the best information." I said.

Diego sighed. "Well that sucks. That man is an asshole."

"You're right about that."

We both started to laugh.

"Well, you should get some rest." Diego said as he got up, heading for the door.

I hesitated for a second.

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