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IT HAD FINALLY ARRIVED, THE DAY they'd been waiting for. It only took them seven months to plan the wedding, but even that time was excruciating long for the couple. After he had proposed, the first thing they did was visit his mother and tell her the news. Diana had been over the moon for her son and her future daughter-in-law. She then spend two hours telling Willow how she never thought this day would happen. And when they got back in Quantico, they had told everyone else. They were all, over the moon for the couple. Derek had spend a few minutes teasing Spencer about it, but after a round of hugs, Rossi invited them all for celebratory dinner.

But now the day had finally arrived, and as Willow looks at herself one last time in the mirror, she can't help but grin. The white dress was simple, with a lace bodice and the skirt flowing down loosely, the only particular thing was the extremely high slight, that reach her thighs, a detail which Emily has insisted on, when she flew in from London.

"Ready to go?" Hotch asks as he stands at the door, making her turn around with a smile. Her father had died years ago, so it only felt natural to her, to have Hotch walk her down the aisle.

"Yeah. More than ready." She giggles as she walks up to him, linking her arm with his as they start walking towards where the bridesmaids were waiting. Emily was her maid of honour, Garcia and JJ her bridesmaid.

"I'm still not over, how beautiful you look." Emily sighs as they start to line up, to go.

"I think I'm going to cry." Garcia admits, as she fans her face to stop the tears from flowing.

"Let's keep the crying for after." Hotch says, making them all chuckle. The doors open and the sound of the organ starting to play rings through the room. JJ is the first to walk, followed by Garcia and Emily. The three women stand next to each other, smiling at Spencer, who seems to be extremely nervous. But his nervousness is immediately replaced as he sees her. He can't help but gape at how beautiful she is, in his eyes she was always beautiful but she looked like an angel that just descended from heaven at this moment. Everyone stands up, as they watch in awe the bride walk down the aisle.

"Kid, you really got lucky." Derek whispers to Spencer, who nods in agreement as he can't keep his eyes off her. She can't help but grin at him, as she admires in his bow tie suit. Hotch and Willow reach the end of the aisle, where Hotch gives her hand to Spencer.

"I trust you'll take good care of her." Hotch says with a soft smile, making Spencer nod, before Hotch steps aside and Spencer helps Willow up the small step.

"You look..." He trails off, not knowing which word to use to describe how beautiful she looked in his eyes, but Willow understands what is trying to lead on to and she can't but blush.

"So do you." She says softly, making him grin.

"Ready to get married?" Rossi asks as he stands in front of them couple, who look at him in amusement before nodding.

After Rossi had officiated their marriage, they all gathered at his mansion to celebrate the union of the two

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After Rossi had officiated their marriage, they all gathered at his mansion to celebrate the union of the two. The couple spend at least one hour receiving gifts and congratulations from the guests. It didn't take long for the newly wed to get separated in the sea of guests, but fortunately for Willow she ended with Derek.

"How are you, newest Doctor Reid?" Derek asks, making her grin as she feels all giddy and happy at the new name she has.

"There is no words to describe how happy I am right now." Willow admits, making him chuckle as he beams happily at her.

"That's great. I'm extremely happy for the two of you. Although, I'd keep an eye out on your husband, because he might lose his ring before the end of the night." Derek says teasingly as he nods in the direction of Spencer. Willow turns around and her heart flutters happily at the sight of Spencer showing Henry a magic trick with his wedding ring. She can't help but snort as she shakes her head in amusement, only Spencer Reid would do something like that. "So next step is kids?"

"One step at a time, Derek. We just got married." Willow giggles, making Derek roll his eyes playfully.

"Okay, fair enough.  Just give me a call when it does happen, Uncle Derek will be there to teach the mini Reid baseball because with you two, she or he might end up becoming the next Noble Price winner." He says, making her give him a look as she smiles.

"That would be pretty great! But that's not exactly how genetics work. Of course our child would have a higher chance of having a high IQ, but those chances aren't guaranteed. If we intellectual challenge the child from a young age on, those chances will increase." She says, making him groan.

"I should have never even mentioned it." He huffs, making her giggle. "Anyway, I'm going to leave you two. See you around, pretty girl."

"See you around." She smiles, before turning around to see Spencer admiring her and a blush rises to her cheek. "Good evening, Doctor Reid."

"Good evening to you, Doctor Reid." He chuckles as he takes her hand and pulls her closer to him. She grins up at him and pecks his lips. "I feel like this is all a dream. Like tomorrow I'll wake up and you never even existed or you're still in Quebec, but never came back."

"It's not a dream, Spence. This is as real as it gets." She says reassuringly, making him grin happily just as a slow dance song starts playing in the background, causing him to smirk. He takes a step back and offers her his hand, making her giggle.

"Well, Doctor. Will you honour me this dance?" He asks, making her nod happily as she takes his hands and he leads her to the dance floor. People start gathering around to watch the newly wed couple dance happily together. "Do you remember the day we met?"

"The Anthrax case? Of course I remember it. I also remember you nearly dying." She says, making him chuckle as they sway to the music, his hand on the lower back, while the other holds her hand and her other hand is in his shoulder.

"Right. That. But my point it. I remember seeing you the first time and how beautiful you were, you still are obviously. You were so curious, but you already had such an extended knowledge on things. It's like, you still want to learn more, even if you already know so much. You also seemed to think that everyone had a redeeming factor, and you looked at the world so innocently. It love at first sight." He says, making her bite her lip to stop herself from crying.

"Spence. I love you so much, there aren't enough words to express it." She breaths out, making him grin, before he spins her out and back in his arm he dips her backwards, leaning down to connect their lips. A smile makes her way on her lips, just as he straightens them back.

"I love you even more."


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