xi. tellurium

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"NAVY SEALS NEVER START a mission without an exfiltration plan. Check the exterior and elevator shafts for riggings." Spencer says to Garcia on the phone.

"A member of the seal team said Dolan's an expert in explosives, disabling and building them." JJ tells Spencer, as she is also on the phone with the Pentagon.

"Also be on the lookout for explosives." Spencer informs Garcia, just as the phone they used to communicate with Luke Dolan rings, making Rossi look up and walk to the phone.


"Is this Sergeant Major Rossi?" Luke Dolan asks, making the team gather around the phone.

"Yes. I was hoping you'd call, Luke. Where are you?" Rossi asks the former Navy Seal.

"Right behind you." Luke says, making them turn around. Spencer immediately, without thinking twice, pushes Willow behind him as Derek and JJ pull out their guns and point it at Luke, who is armed the remote to the bomb, as well as a gun.

"Ok, ok. Easy, easy. All right. Luke, you don't want to be aiming that around. Snipers have the building covered." Rossi says to the UnSub, as he raises his hands up in sign of surrender.

"You're in the crosshairs right now, I can guarantee that." Derek says through clenched teeth.

"Windows are bulletproof. High-density Lexan, right?" Luke asks rhetorically, making Willow huff that their bluff didn't work.

"I'm the one you want. You can let my team go." Rossi says softly.

"I'll trade you. Give me my wife and daughter. You have 3 minutes to decide." Luke says as his grip on the remote of the bomb tightens.

"No one is seeking revenge here. You've created this conspiracy in your own mind." Rossi informs Luke, who shakes his head.

"You took my family." Luke snaps angrily.

"To protect them from you after you murdered your own parents." Rossi says softly as he takes a step closer.

"They were imposters. You have my real parents." Luke shouts, making Willow take in a deep breath.

"Your real parents are dead." Spencer blurts our, making the brunette look up at the back of his head with wide eyes.

"Spence-" She tries to stop him from angering Luke, but he cuts her off.

"You want to know what's really going on? You were in a car accident 3 nights ago and you suffered a head trauma." Spencer explains to him.

"If I don't see Jenna and Ally now... We're all gonna die." Luke threatens.

"Luke? Can you hear me? I need you to stop what you're doing. We're fine. Me and Ally are safe. Luke, you have to let those people go." Jenna, his wife, asks from the P.A..

"The terms haven't changed." Luke says, obviously not convinced by this.

"You don't believe that's her?" Derek asks, as he adjusts his balance.

"I've been through this before. You have one minute." Luke says angrily.

"Daddy? Why are you doing this? Mommy says you don't feel good. Maybe you need to lie down. I'm scared, daddy. I just want to go home." Ally, the daughter cries out, making Willow sadden a bit.

"Do you remember our honeymoon, when you woke me up at night and you took me up that mountain that you'd hiked years before? We watched the sun rise. It was magical. And you said that as much as you loved this spot, you loved me even more." Jenna says, and it clearly seemed to have an effect on Luke.

"Do you believe it's her now?" Rossi asks as he steps closer again.

"Your eyes and your mind are playing a trick on you." Spencer informs him.

"When you see your family, you think that they're imposters, but it's all caused by an illness." Willow jumps in, as she moves to stand next to Spencer.

"You're sick, Luke. It's not your fault." Jenna says on the P.A..

"I love you, daddy." Ally says, making Luke smile weakly.

"We both do."

"Come on, now, Luke, you don't need that gun. None of us want to hurt you. You are a hero to this country. Please let us help you." Derek says, making Luke sigh.

"I want to see Jenna." Luke states firmly.

"Then you have to do as I ask. Put your weapon down and close your eyes." Rossi says as he slowly starts moving even closer, as Luke moves to put the gun down on a desk, and moves away, but keeps the remote in hand.

"Luke, you have to close your eyes." Jenna tells him.


"Because you need to know that your wife is real and your eyes will trick you." Spencer answers Luke's question.

"Please, Luke. Close your eyes or we will never be together again." Jenna says.

"Close your eyes." Rossi instructs him, as he slowly takes the remote to the bomb out of his hands Luke closes his eyes.

"Ok. They're afraid you might hurt me, so they're gonna handcuff you. And then I'm going to come out, but you have to keep your eyes closed." Jenna says, and before long, she's running into the BAU, towards Luke who has his eyes closed. "I'm right here, baby. Promise me you'll keep your eyes closed."

"Is that you? Is that really you?" Luke asks, as he holds on to her.

"Everything's gonna be ok. But we have to go to the hospital now, ok?" Jenna asks him, and he nods, just JJ walks up them, with a scarf in hand.

"First Jenna's gonna cover up your eyes." JJ says, and hands Jenna the scarf as they handcuff him. Jenna puts the scarf around his eyes, but before she can tie it, her daughter distracts her.

"Daddy! Daddy, where are you going?" Ally cries out, making the scarf drop and Luke open his eyes. Willow's hand slowly moves to the gun in the holster around her waist, ready to use it if necessary.

"No! No! JJ, let me have him." Derek says as he drags the UnSub away, who struggles at first but eventually lets himself get dragged away.


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