vi. silver

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"COOKING IS THE MOST SENSUAL art form. And these are my paints." Rossi says as he looks at the team, who are all but Spencer, standing on the other side of his counter.

"So your hands must be brushes." Garcia muses, making Rossi give her a pointed look.

"Don't interrupt." Rossi says, making her nod, as Willow looks at her in amusement. "In a pot of boiling water we cook our spaghetti until it's al dente, firm to the tooth. Here you go. Everybody pass it around. See? Feel the texture. There we go. Ok. Now... In a large pan, we fry up our pancetta. Keeping a sharp eye that the edges are crisp."

"But careful not to burn the onions." Hotch says, after listening to Rossi's explanation, who is impressed by his knowledge.

"Bravo, Aaron! We saute until translucence." Rossi says, just as the doorbell rings, catching everyone's attention.

"Uh... I got it." Derek assures Rossi, who nods gratefully, before walking away.

"Grazie mille." Rossi calls after him, just as JJ is brings her glass of wine up to take a sip, but he stops her. "Uh-uh-uh! Now, we mix in the eggs... The parmesan... The spaghett... And parsley. You see, it's all about timing and rhythm. And if you don't feel yourself doing it properly, please, order a pizza."

"Sorry I'm late." Spencer says as he walks in, with Derek and Willow's heart flutters as she can't help but admire his good he looks. He smiles softly at her, as he walks up to her and stands next to her. He smiles down at her, before looking at JJ, who also smiles at him.

"Yeah. And this is why I cook alone." Rossi says, making everyone chuckle.

"So, uh, when do we get to drink the wine?" Emily asks, making Willow hum in wonder as well.

"Almost there. Ok. We start at the beginning. You eat what you cook, I'll supervise, but we're gonna do this all together, just like a family." Rossi says, making them all smile.

"Ok now?" Willow asks, as she looks at her glass, having wanted to take it all evening.

"Now." Rossi nods, making Willow grin as they all pick up their glasses and raise it up a toast. "Salud! Now let's get started with the cooking."

"I think I'll team up with Willow. She cooks better than I do." Spencer admits, making her snort in amusement as she thinks at all the times he messed up dinner.

"No. No. Each to their own. She won't always be there to help you." Rossi says pointedly, making Willow giggle.

"Have the fire extinguisher nearby." Willow says teasingly, making everyone laugh, as Spencer playfully pushes her.

"So, clearly we have our love geniuses back." Derek says teasingly, making the two groan at him.

"Derek Morgan, you're officially my number one enemy." She says jokingly, making Derek snort as he shakes his head.

"Hey, before we start. I'm going to steal the other Doctor for a second." Spencer says, before pulling Willow away from the other, who all cheer as if they were about to do something explicit. Willow giggles as they reach Rossi's living room. "I want to apologise for how I was. You're right, I was unfair to you. You went through so much at the BAU, and you had just arrived."

"Don't apologise. I was also unfair to you. I left you, without even considering your feelings. I mean leaving the BAU is one thing, but leaving the country is another." Willow points out, making him chuckle as he nods.

"Let's say we were both in the wrong. And maybe leaving the country was a bit dramatic,  but it looks like it did you good. And I'm happy, that you are." Spencer says, smiling happily at her and she mirrors his smile.

"Let's start over. Friends?" She asks, sticking her hand out for a handshake, making him chuckle.

"Best friends." He states, before hugging her and she can't help but feel over the moon, to be back in his arms.

"Now, lets go before they thinking we're making out." Willow says teasingly, making him chuckle as they join back the team. They all look at each other happily, as they start their cooking lesson.

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