xiii. xenon

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"WILLOW, HI. HOW ARE YOU?" Emily says as she and JJ walk up to Willow, who just walked out of the elevator, her eyes widening.

"I'm good. And you?" Willow asks warily, as the three walk towards her office desk, where she drops her stuff.

"Great. How was your weekend? What did you do?" JJ asks as she sits on the desk and looks up at the brunette, who is confused by the sudden interrogation.

"Did I blackout and become an serial killer or what? What's going on?" Willow asks, Emily chuckle as she shakes her head in response.

"A little birdie told me that you had a date with a certain doctor." Emily says with a wide grin, making a blush rise up to Willow's cheeks as she finally understands the big deal.

"It's not what you think. It's just a friend date. We went as friends." Willow says, trying to change the subject, but the two women see right through it.

"But did you leave as friends?" Emily asks, making Willow huff as she crosses her arms. As if on cue, Spencer walks up to them from behind Willow.

"Good morning." He says, as he walks past them to his desk, which happens to be right in front of Willow's. "Why are you all gathered here?"

"Oh, you know just girl talk." JJ replies nonchalantly, making Spencer look up at them questioningly, from his position on his chair.

"Can I join in?" He asks innocently, making Willow wince as Emily and JJ smirk.

"Yeah. You can. We were just talking about you anyway." Emily answers, in excitement, causing Willow to groan as she drops in her chair. Spencer looks at her in disbelief, slightly amused by them.

"Why were you talking about me?" He asks as he leans against his desk, intrigued by their conversation.

"We were just asking Willow how her date went with you." JJ says, and a blush immediately rises to Spencer as he realises what they were talking about. "But the problem, she won't tell us what really matters."

"What... what is it?" Spencer asks, feeling as if he was about to regret having asked and by the look Willow gives him, his feeling is confirmed.

"What happened at the end? Goodnight kiss, or maybe it didn't end until the next day." Emily suggests, making Spencer's blush deepen. Derek walks up to them, cup of coffee in hand.

"What's going on here?" Derek asks, noticing Willow and Spencer blushing, while the other two women are smirking.

"We're asking these two about their date night." JJ replies to him, and he soon also has a smirk on his face. As he leans on his desk next to them.

"You two went on a date? Are my love geniuses back together?" Derek asks, making Willow look down and Spencer to clear his throat as he frowns.

"Uh, no. It was just a friend date. We had brunch, watched movies and had dinner together. It ended there, I went home that night." Spencer explains, and the three notice the sudden discomfort that formed between the two after Derek mentioned them getting back together.

"So you guys are not planning on getting together?" Emily asks curiously, her teasing smirk having dropped. Willow looks up at Spencer, who is already looking at her.

"Uh, I don't know. We're just friends right now, though." She answers, making him smile softly at her and she mirrors his smile. "I think, if we do want to get back together. It's better not to rush back in."

"Okay. Whatever you say. We just want you two to be happy." JJ says, making the two look up at her with a grateful smile. "And as much as we want you two back together, we won't push you guys."


"Since you mentioned it. Friday night we're going out and Saturday brunch. You two better be coming." Emily says pointedly, making Willow grin as she nods.

"Count me in." Willow hums, making Emily grin happily. "You coming, Spence?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure. I'll probably have to be Willow's D.D. on Friday. One glass and she's out." Spencer says, making the brunette throw a pen at him, while the others laugh.

"I'm not a lightweight." Willow grumbles with a pout, making him chuckle as he puts the pen back.

"Whatever you say. Do we have a case today?" Spencer asks, as Garcia walks up to them. She shakes her head as she smiles happily at them.

"Then why are we here exactly?" Derek asks, raising an eyebrow at the tech expert.

"Paperwork. A lot of paperwork. Luke Dolan was no easy UnSub, my friends." Garcia reminds them, making Willow hum as she leans back in her seat. "But, I came here, because I have what you asked for, Doctor Crawford."

"You did?" Willow asks in excitement as Garcia hands her a paper. A wide grin forms on Willow's lips as she looks over the details of the paper.

"What's going on?" Spencer asks curiously, making her look up.

"I'm getting a puppy." She says happily, making him smile softly. He couldn't help but admire how radiant she is, when she's happy and all he wanted was to make her happy. He wanted to be the reason of her laughter, her smile, her blushes; he loves her more than anything and wanted her to himself forever.

"Oh, that's so cute. Are you getting this one?" JJ asks as she looks at the picture of the Husky, making Willow nod.

"Yup. I'll call today to see if I can get him tomorrow." Willow muses, as she smiles excitedly. 

"What are you going to call him?" Emily asks the brunette.

"Tiaan, after Christiaan Barnard." She replies, and everyone but Spencer looks at her in confusion. "He's the first cardiac surgeon to preform Human-to-Human heart transplant."

"Oh. Right, forgot you were a genius." Derek huffs, making her and Spencer glare at him playfully.

"I think Denton could be nice too." Spencer suggests, making her hum in agreement.

"After Denton Cooley? True. But I think Christiaan Barnard's accomplishment is what made Cooley's possible." She points out, making him shrug and before he can argue back Derek jumps in.

"Okay. Love geniuses, you guys argue about dog names." Derek says before walking away, JJ and Garcia following right behind.

"We'll talk later, Crawford." Emily says, to the brunette, who nods in acknowledgment. Emily chuckles before she also leaves the two geniuses to discuss the possible dog's name.

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